solar:英音 [ˈsəʊlə(r)],美音 [ˈsoʊlər]
1. 明天某个时刻会发生日全食
A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow.
2. 土星是太阳系中的第二大行星
Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.
3. 这幅图标示了太阳系八大行星中的6颗
The picture shows six of the eight planets in the solar system.
4. 太阳年和太阴年的起始时间每13年重合一次
The beginning of the solar and lunar years coincided every 13 years.
5. 暗条类似于太阳耀斑,亦或是某种磁结构
The filaments may be analogous to solar flares or could be magnetic structures of some sort.
6. 这艘宇宙飞船可能会让人们对太阳系中的一个神秘角落有更新的认识
The spacecraft is set to throw new light on to a dark corner of the solar system.
7. 自那以后,再也没有如此大规模的垂直太阳能电池板工程了
A vertical solar project on such a large scale has never been repeated since.
8. 曼彻斯特米勒街的一座办公大楼完全被太阳能电池板覆盖
An office tower on Miller Street in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels.