各种部门、职位英文翻译, 各部门、职位的英文翻译
工程技术部 :Project Technical Department
品管部 :Quality Control Department
生产部 :Product Department
营销部 :Sales Department
行政部 :Administrative Department
采购部:Purchase Department
文控中心 :Document Control Center
运营副总:Operation vice-president
财务部: Financial Department
财务副总:Financial vice-president
董事长 :Chairman;President;Chairman of the board;Chief Executive;Managing Director
会议室:Assembly Room;Meeting Room;Conference Room
监控室 :Monitoring Room;Routing Room
- 做名片,order business card;
职位 position
Centre for financial management,
Centre for procurement management,
human resources management center,
operations management center
Department of Management Planning Department of the Ministry of Finance Business Development and the Department parts molding processing class lesson
Stamping Division of the assembly plating Course
Associate general manager, general manager, general manager of the trading room Commissioner Division
Outlook for the purchase of miscellaneous information Die procurement personnel clerks General clerks
Medical Director factory warehouse manager, director of aounting cashier Aounting Division
Customs clerks procurement manager of the Health Division of business
Assistant Engineer Draft *** an Fax room clerks, members of preparation materials control manager Rapporteur
Finance Department
purchasing department
Management Department
Technology department
Electronic ministry
Engineering Department
craft department
International Trade Department
Drawing file
General manager room
Customer service department
模具主管 die chief manager
设计主管 design chief manager
制模主管 pattern making chief manager
注塑部主管 Injection department chief manager
注塑部技术员 Injection department technician
冲压部主管 Stamping department chief manager
品技部主管 product quality department chief manager
采购部主管 purchasing department chief manager
涂装部主管 coating department chief manager
Production&Technology dept 简称P&E
Safety&Quality Control dept 简称 QC
Manager office
Sales&Marketing dept 简称S&M
Financial&Aounting dept简称 F&A
Product development dept 简称 PD
Logistics branch office 1
Logistics branch office 2
Engineering & Project branch office 简称 E&P
Maintenance branch office
Aftersale service branch office
Test branch office 1
Transformer workshop
Machining workshop
Metal pieces workshop
Electronics Assembling workshop 1
Electronics Assembling workshop 2
Safety&Quality branch office 2
General Affair branch office简称GA dept
Specialized Vice President
Business Director of Smart Building
Headquarter of *** art system
2024-04-03 广告