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2022-12-02 · TA获得超过404个赞


  Perhaps 20 year after I, become a genuine nurse.In the surgery table, the hospital ward, take saves from impending death assists the wounded as the inherent responsibilities, fulfills duty fulfills responsibility.At that time, my had to invent one new medicine, let the disabled person again long new thingses the body; I also must invent one kind of new eye drops, lets these not see the bright person, again sees the light, can see our colorful life; I also must establish an electronic technology hospital, utilizes the high tech medical service technology to save from impending death assists the wounded, causes the patient healthily to leave the hospital, lives happily.


  It’s a fine day! This morning I will go to my company as usual. I decided to be a business man when I graduated from high school about twenty years ago. I had tried many kinds of jobs at the beginning period of time. For example, I used to sell clothes in the shopping mall, worked as a waiter in a hotel, even if did some selling works in some small companies. Through the exercise of the fist five years, I had understood the meaning of “stand “. The young men always need to face the failures or the difficulties. After the exercise, he will understand how difficult it is to find a room for him selves in the society.

  Now I am a boss of company which works regularly and can earn lot of money for me. At the same time, I also have a family, my beautiful wife and my lovely son. We married when I was 30 years old. I don’t think a men need to marry to early. Because a man needs to own his career and have enough money to buy the house. They also bring me happiness and hope when I felt tried or upset in the company. I love them more than they love me!


  20 years after me

  Shen Shi elementary school six one class of Han Jing

  " Doctor, we must immediately rushed to the Mars there is a dying patient, suffering from acute heart disease." In the phone, Zhao nurse told me that I have a patient waiting for me in the treatment of. As I promised side to put on the coat, close the speaker phone, ran down the beehive building, I sat on running about ten million meters per second spaceship to mars.

  I came to the hospital nurse fantasy, Zhao has been waiting there for me. We with the family members of patients101 came to the doorway, I pushed open the door to look, a pale, was doing the ECG detection equipment, patient lying in bed, his face appeared unbearable pain.

  I opened the box, took out a stethoscope to listen to the patient's heartbeat. I said:" Zhao nurses, patients with weak heartbeat, immediately express medicine to help him treatment." Zhao nurse took out my recent invention of the express delivery, open the mouth of the patient, the medicine down. After a moment, the patient sits up, without the pain, we are relieved.

  At that time, I com rang, in Uranus there is a patient I treat. So, I take up kit, with Zhao nurses, sit on the ship, in the darkness disappear ... ...

  " Jing Jing, wake up. How to fall asleep on the couch?" I rubbed my eyes. Oh, that 's my mother in me. I recall a dream scenario, secretly in the heart said to myself:" grow up to be like a dream that a good doctor."

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2023-06-13 · TA获得超过211个赞
Twenty years from now, I envision myself as a more mature and accomplished individual. Both my personality and physical appearance will have undergone significant changes, and the world around me will be vastly different.
In terms of my appearance, I see myself as still being in good physical health. Although I may have a few more wrinkles and gray hairs, I will take pride in my aging gracefully. I will continue to maintain an active lifestyle and take care of my body, which will keep me looking and feeling healthy.
As for my personality, I hope to have developed a more calm and patient demeanor. I want to be the kind of person who is able to handle any situation with grace and composure. Additionally, I want to continue to be a lifelong learner and maintain my curiosity about the world around me.
One of my greatest strengths is my resilience, and I see myself continuing to develop this trait. I know that life will continue to throw challenges my way, but I am confident in my ability to overcome them. This resilience will allow me to bounce back from setbacks and continue to pursue my goals.
Looking at the world around me, I see a society that has become more technology-driven and interconnected. I believe that my generation will be at the forefront of developing new technologies and finding innovative solutions to global problems.
As for my career, I am still exploring different options and I am open to new opportunities. However, I am confident that I will have found a career that I find fulfilling and that makes a positive impact on the world.
I am excited to see where life takes me in the next twenty years. I know that I will face challenges along the way, but I am confident in my ability to adapt and thrive.
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