
每个人的一生中都有无数个第一次,而让我至今都难以忘怀的是我第一次晕倒.当时是高中新学期开学的第一天,我准时的去了学校报名,报名后不久我就立刻参加了学校军训,因为在中国每个... 每个人的一生中都有无数个第一次,而让我至今都难以忘怀的是我第一次晕倒.当时是高中新学期开学的第一天,我准时的去了学校报名,报名后不久我就立刻参加了学校军训,因为在中国每个新学期开学的时候,学校都会举行军训来磨练新学子们,而我就是其中一员.



P.S. 翻译的时候不需要太高深的英文字母,只要语法没错就可以啦,谢谢各位啦~~~~~~~!!!
 我来答
2010-11-24 · TA获得超过1989个赞

Each person's life, there are numerous a first, and let me so far have unforgettable is my first fainting. At that time is high school new semester of the first day, I went to school on time signing up, sign up soon after I immediately involved in the school military training in China, because each new semester, schools can hold military training to hone new students, and I am a part of it.


I remember when it is most military training in August, while I hot period and two thousand students in big sun playground of military training, I don't remember my instructor is male or female, how fat or thin. Because I was already had no strength payable to see his one eye, I only in cansilently scold himself knew this morning to military training last night also all night night playing computer, and to military training before even didn't eat breakfast, I was too stupid. Gradually I feel immediate world suddenly became black, and my ears began to hear ZhongMingSheng and I suddenly loses consciousness and then bumped into the floor faint. When I wake I find I lay in bed, and the infirmary my teacher always beside me, teacher see I wake up and asked me whether good point, then the teacher calls me first home to rest. Then the next day I went to school, the classmates all differently to look at me, I also know why, because I faint in the two thousand presence.


I learned from this event in the future, if want to finish something difficult thing, need not but healthy body and plenty of spiritual need meal commanded that morning.
2010-11-24 · TA获得超过183个赞
In the journey of life everyone encounters innumerous "first time"s.However,what remains unforgettable for me till today is the first time when I fainted.It was the first day of High school,and I checked out on time.Shortly afterwards I was enrolled in the military training held by school,because in the beginning of each semester chinese schools have military training to discipline new arrivials,to whom I belongs.

As far as I can remember,it was in the hottest days of August that the military trainning was held,when I,together with 2000 fellow students,was drilling under the brightly shining sun.I have no idea whether our officer was a man or a woman,or whether he was fat or thin,for the fact that I had no strength enough to raise my head to look at him.What I could only do was to blame myself in silence that while knowing I was to go through military trainning the next day,I had indulged myself in playing computer overnight,and hadn't had breakfast before coming to the military trainning.How silly had I been!(While I was thinking those thoughts)I gradually found that the world before my eyes turned black unexpectedly,and my ears was hearing the chiming sound of a bell.Suddenly I lost my consciousness,falling onto the ground,fainting.When I was awake I found myself lying on the bed of the clinic and my teacher was beside me,who then,upon noticing my awaking,asked me if I felt better.After that ,the teacher let me go home for rest.I returned school for classes the next day ,my classmates looking at with an strange expression in their eyes.I knew why was it so,for I fainted before 2000 people.

The lesson that has been drawn from this event is that what one need is not only healthy body but also high spirits,and what's more,a substantial breakfast in order for him to accomplish a tough task in the future.
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