Human factors
City of toxic particulate matter sources:
第一:是汽车尾气。使用柴油的大型车是排放PM10的“重犯”,包括大公交、各单位的班车,以及大型运输 卡车等。城市有毒颗粒物来源:首先是汽车尾气。使用柴油的车子是排放细颗粒物的“重犯”。使用汽油的小型车虽然排放的是气态污染物,比如氮氧化物等,但碰上雾天,也很容易转化为二次颗粒污染物,加重雾霾。
The first: is automobile exhaust. The large vehicle use diesel is PM10 emissions "repeat", including the big bus, each unit of the train, and large transport trucks. City of toxic particulate matter sources: the first is the automobile tail gas. Emissions of fine particles aggregated consequential offense "is the use of diesel car". Small cars use gasoline while emissions are gaseous pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, but with fog, is also very easy to translate into two particulate pollutants, aggravate the haze.
Motor vehicle exhaust is the haze particles composed of the main components, the latest data show,Beijing haze particles in tail gas of motor vehicles accounted for 22.2%, coal accounted for 16.7%,dust accounted for 16.3%, industry accounted for 15.7%. But with the progress of automobile technology and rising the quality of oil products, environmental managers found that motor vehicle exhaust does not play a decisive role on the formation of haze weather, but as some of the larger citycar ownership, managers still need to control vehicle emissions standards, avoid the formation of hazeweather.
Second: North to the exhaust gas produced by the burning of coal for heating in winter.
Third: emissions from industrial production. Such as metallurgy, furnace and boiler, electrical and mechanical manufacturing industry, there are a large number of auto repair paint, building materials production furnace combustion emissions.
Fourth: the construction sites and road traffic caused by dust.
Fifth: the growth of particles, bacteria and virus particle size is equivalent to PM0.1-PM2.5, the humidity in the air and the temperature is proper, microbial attachment to particles, especiallyparticulate fume, microbial absorption oil drop into the more microbes, which makes the toxic substances haze growth.
第六、家庭装修中也会产生粉尘“雾霾”,室内粉尘弥漫,不仅有害于工人与用户健康,增添清洁负担,粉尘严重时,还给装修工程带来诸多隐患。[4] [5]
Sixth, the family decoration will produce dust "haze", indoor dust, not only harmful to health workers and users, add clean dust burden, serious when, also bring a lot of hidden decoration engineering. [4][5]
除了气象条件,工业生产、机动车尾气排放、冬季取暖烧煤等导致的大气中的颗粒物(包括粗颗粒物PM10和细颗粒物PM2.5)浓度增加,是雾霾产生的重要因素。如今很多城市的污染物排放水平已处于临界点,对气象条件非常敏感,空气质量在扩散条件较好时能达标,一旦遭遇不利天气条件,空气质量和能见度就会立刻下滑。美国进口普 卫 欣
Besides the meteorological conditions, industrial production, motor vehicle exhaust emissions, the winter heating coal burning caused by particles in the atmosphere (including PM10 coarse particles and fine particles PM2.5) concentration increased, is an important factor of haze generated. Now many city level of emissions of pollutants have been at a critical point, is very sensitive to weather conditions, air quality in the diffusion condition can meet the standard, once encountered adverse weather conditions, air quality and visibility will immediately fall.
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Human factors
City of toxic particulate matter sources:
第一:是汽车尾气。使用柴油的大型车是排放PM10的“重犯”,包括大公交、各单位的班车,以及大型运输 卡车等。城市有毒颗粒物来源:首先是汽车尾气。使用柴油的车子是排放细颗粒物的“重犯”。使用汽油的小型车虽然排放的是气态污染物,比如氮氧化物等,但碰上雾天,也很容易转化为二次颗粒污染物,加重雾霾。
The first: is automobile exhaust. The large vehicle use diesel is PM10 emissions "repeat", including the big bus, each unit of the train, and large transport trucks. City of toxic particulate matter sources: the first is the automobile tail gas. Emissions of fine particles aggregated consequential offense "is the use of diesel car". Small cars use gasoline while emissions are gaseous pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides, but with fog, is also very easy to translate into two particulate pollutants, aggravate the haze.
Motor vehicle exhaust is the haze particles composed of the main components, the latest data show,Beijing haze particles in tail gas of motor vehicles accounted for 22.2%, coal accounted for 16.7%,dust accounted for 16.3%, industry accounted for 15.7%. But with the progress of automobile technology and rising the quality of oil products, environmental managers found that motor vehicle exhaust does not play a decisive role on the formation of haze weather, but as some of the larger citycar ownership, managers still need to control vehicle emissions standards, avoid the formation of hazeweather.
Second: North to the exhaust gas produced by the burning of coal for heating in winter.
Third: emissions from industrial production. Such as metallurgy, furnace and boiler, electrical and mechanical manufacturing industry, there are a large number of auto repair paint, building materials production furnace combustion emissions.
Fourth: the construction sites and road traffic caused by dust.
Fifth: the growth of particles, bacteria and virus particle size is equivalent to PM0.1-PM2.5, the humidity in the air and the temperature is proper, microbial attachment to particles, especiallyparticulate fume, microbial absorption oil drop into the more microbes, which makes the toxic substances haze growth.
第六、家庭装修中也会产生粉尘“雾霾”,室内粉尘弥漫,不仅有害于工人与用户健康,增添清洁负担,粉尘严重时,还给装修工程带来诸多隐患。[4] [5]
Sixth, the family decoration will produce dust "haze", indoor dust, not only harmful to health workers and users, add clean dust burden, serious when, also bring a lot of hidden decoration engineering. [4][5]
除了气象条件,工业生产、机动车尾气排放、冬季取暖烧煤等导致的大气中的颗粒物(包括粗颗粒物PM10和细颗粒物PM2.5)浓度增加,是雾霾产生的重要因素。如今很多城市的污染物排放水平已处于临界点,对气象条件非常敏感,空气质量在扩散条件较好时能达标,一旦遭遇不利天气条件,空气质量和能见度就会立刻下滑。美国进口普 卫 欣
Besides the meteorological conditions, industrial production, motor vehicle exhaust emissions, the winter heating coal burning caused by particles in the atmosphere (including PM10 coarse particles and fine particles PM2.5) concentration increased, is an important factor of haze generated. Now many city level of emissions of pollutants have been at a critical point, is very sensitive to weather conditions, air quality in the diffusion condition can meet the standard, once encountered adverse weather conditions, air quality and visibility will immediately fall.
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