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As we know, no one can sail the ocean single handedly. That is to say, good friends will be of great help when you are in trouble, and in my opinion, a real friend should also be able to share your happy moments without feeling jealous.

Everyone has his own friendship and some have a lot of friends. But in fact, quantity is not so important as quality. Quality of friendship means loyalty, frankness and easy going. Loyalty plays the most important role in friendship. No one wants to make friends with those who will betray their friends. So we should try our best to support our friends especially when they are in trouble. A friend indeed should not only share happiness with you, but also share sadness with you.

Now, I’d like to tell you a true story about one of my father’s friends. He was in a high position several years ago, and at that time, he had a lot of friends around. They often went out for lunch and dinner, and they often went to his home with bags of valuable presents. So at first I thought they were good friends. But, several months later, I changed my point of view. He lost his power as something has happened. And then, many of his friends left him, the worse is, some of them even hit him when he was down. Only several of his old friends gave him a hand. They supported him at that time. Then I realized essence of the saying

In a word, true friends are together with pure, frank heart. We’d better share happiness and sadness with our friends. If our friend fall into trouble, we should give him a hand, never be a looker on. Only in this way can we be friends indeed.
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