
在这几个月的实习过程中,我从学校跨渡到了人生的工作岗位上,从开始的好奇与不知所措,到经过自己的一番的努力学习以及向同事们的虚心请教,我不但可以从容的处理工作中的业务难题,... 在这几个月的实习过程中,我从学校跨渡到了人生的工作岗位上,从开始的好奇与不知所措,到经过自己的一番的努力学习以及向同事们的虚心请教,我不但可以从容的处理工作中的业务难题,还从中学会了学习中接触不到的事物与道理,怎么样去处理好同事之间的人文处事,怎样去处理工作中的突发时间,怎么样去面对某些客户的刁难,这些是在校园中的接触不到的,让我明白了,社会是一个挑战,是一个人对生活的挑战,只有努力奋斗,鼓足勇气,才能赢的胜利。我相信我一定可以获得胜利。
 我来答
During these few months of internship, I took a big step crossing from school life to my official career. From the initial curiosity and bewilderment to striving hard and consultation of colleagues, now not only can I handle the difficult tasks with confidence, I also learn many new knowledge and values. For instance, how to deal with relationship between colleagues, how to react to sudden changes and how to please demanding customers. All these were not taught in school. This allows me to understand that the society is a great challenge and also one’s challenge in living. Only with the determination to work hard and having courage, one will be able to achieve the success. And I believe I am definitely able to do so.

The internship period was tense but interesting. After all, it is also a learning process. Even though it was tough, it was contenting. Seeing career as a goal in life and working hard to attain this goal is just like realizing your dreams and finding the significance of life. I still recall the first time when I took up my job. I was quite nervous but at the same time, looking forward to it. I thought I could handle it well, but it turned out to be in a mess. At that moment, I realized that I was still lack of experience.

In conclusion, I have learnt many precious values of life through internship. Most importantly, the change from school to social life was a new phrase in my life.

Through these several months of practice, I’m spaning from studying at school to the working life. From the begnining of curiosity and perplexed, till worked hard and learned from my colleague modesty, I can not only slove the difficult proplem deliberately, but aslo learned many things and arguments which can’t learn from school. How to deal with the relationship with colleague, how to slove a sudden occurrence and how to face to some customers who spite me ,these are things can’t touch in school,and these things make me understand,the society is a challenge, a person challenge to the society. It’s only to work hard,and have enough courage, you can win the final success,and I believe I can win the success definitely!
The practice’s life is nevours and interesting, it’s aslo a process of learning.though my body is painstaking,but my heart is happy, face the work as a aim of life, and working hard on it to make the aim come ture, aslo make yourselfe’s idea of life and sence come ture. I still remember that when I steped up the working field first time, I was nevours and a little happy, and I thought I was wit enough to do all the tihings,but the results is fuss in my work. I know I still lacke in practical experience.
Anyhow, I got many things significative to my life, what’s more important,I went out from school to the society, and my life has begun a new stage

HEY!这可是我自己一句一句认真翻译的哦~ 给点奖励吧,嘿嘿!~
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In this course of several months of practice, I inter-school crossing to the life of the workplace, from the beginning of curiosity and what to do, after some of their efforts to study and consult their colleagues in with an open mind, I can not only Calmly deal with the work of the business challenges, but also learned how to learn from the reach of reason and things, how to deal with colleagues in the humanities between the way, how to deal with unexpected time in the work, how to face certain Make things difficult for the customer, these are the campus of the reach, so I understand that the community is a challenge, is one of life's challenges, only to work hard, courage, to win the victory. I believe I will get the victory.
Internship life is tense and interesting, this is a learning process, suffer from physical, music in his heart, and work as one of the objectives of life, through their own efforts to achieve the goal, it achieved its ideals and significance of life . Still remember the first time I took office, a little nervous excitement, that they can cope, the results are Shoumangjiaoluan, I know that I was the lack of actual combat experience.
In short in the workplace attachment, I learned a lot of things my life meaningful, more importantly, I understand from the campus to the community, my life began a new stage.
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http://www.265.com/tools/life/fy.htm 这个网翻译的不错!
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