
急招,初中水平的... 急招,初中水平的 展开
2014-08-01 · TA获得超过146个赞
对我影响最大的一个人 妈妈; 失败时,心中的旗帜不停地摇晃,拍打着我叫我加油,告诉我不能半途而废;成功时,内心的喜悦,学会鼓励自己说:“加油,你以后也要这样。”这面高大而又坚强的旗帜就是——妈妈。 小荷 作文网 www.zww.cn 刚落地时,妈妈就细心呵护我,用心照顾我,一岁半左右教我说话,现在我只能说声:“妈妈,我爱你。”一岁半左右教我迈出一小步,如今,我已走上了人生的道路;两岁时教我抓筷子,怎么吃饭,四五岁时教我自己穿衣服,每天哄我睡觉,现在我也只能说声:“妈妈,我好想你啊!”离你很远的女儿在呼唤你,但是,你听到了吗? 岁月的尘埃,隐藏了你的脚印,露珠的晶莹,点燃了枯萎的心,有些故事不必讲给每个人听。 妈妈,有时你离我很远,远到天边那颗最暗的星星;有时你离我很近,好像窗外飘下的第一场白雪,那就我给你的安慰。 妈妈,你有时像东边升起的第一轮太阳;有时像一片树叶在晚上零落却没有人听到的声音;有时像一张纸在你不经意间撕破的无畏。妈妈,你是一首动人的歌曲,回荡在我耳边;妈妈,你是第一场雪的融化,冷而纯洁;妈妈,你又是含苞欲放的玫瑰,学会自主凋零。 第一架飞机的升起,等于第一个闹钟的响起。妈,如果没有你的指点,如果没有你的照顾,可能我将会流落街头,可能我连照顾自己也不会,你对我的影响,我是不会忘记的!一次次的眷念,写出最美的文章,如果没有你,就算写的再好的作文也将会是我一生中最大的败笔!如果,如果能再次和你一起做娘俩,我想我会用尽一生不会喊停!和你在一起的时间是唯一挥之不去的! 妈妈,你对我影响之所以大,是因为你懂得爱我。 英文; I have the greatest impact on a person Mother; Failure, the heart of the flag and shake and beat me and call me Come on, tell me not give up halfway; success, inner joy, learn to encourage yourself, said: "Come on, you have such a future." Tall but this side The banner is strong - her mother. Network www.zww.cn small charge composition Just landed, my mother with care, heart care of me, teach me to speak about year and a half, and now I can only say: "Mom, I love you." Year and a half or so to teach me one small step, and now I have embarked on the road of life; two years of age taught me to grab the chopsticks, how to eat four or five years of age taught me to dress himself, to coax me to sleep every day, and now I can only say: "Mom, I'm good miss you ah! "very far away from your daughter calling you, but you hear that? Years of dust, hiding your footprint, dew of the crystal, lit withered heart, and some stories do not have to tell everyone who will listen. Mom, sometimes you're far away, far into the dark horizon star sinking; sometimes you close to me, as if the window's first snow flakes, then I will give you comfort. Mom, you sometimes like the sun rises in the east in the first round; sometimes scattered in the night like a leaf but no sound was heard; sometimes like a piece of paper torn in your fearless inadvertently. Mom, you are a touching song, echoing in my ear; Mom, you are the first melting of snow, cold and pure; mother, and you are Hanbaoyufang roses, learn self-dying. The rising of the first plane, equal to the first alarm sounded. Mom, without your guidance, if not take care of you, I might be living on the street, I might not even take care of yourself, your influence on me, I will not forget! But wilt again and again, to write the most beautiful article, if not you, even better to write an essay and it will be the biggest flaw in my life! If, if we can do together with you again Niangliang, I think I will try my life is not ordered a halt! And your time together is the only lingering! Mom, you told me impact is great because you know how to love me.
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