1.Generate some standard normal data,with sample sizes n=30,n=50,and n=100.Use the function boxp to first get a set of plain boxplots and then use it to get variable width boxplots.
2.Type help boxplot at the MATLAB command line to learn more about this Statistics Toolbox Function.Do side-by-side boxplots of the oronsay data set.The length of the whisker is easily adjusted using optional input arguments to boxplot.Try various values for this option.
3.Generate two data set,each from a normal distribution with different location and scale parameters.Construst a q-q plot and disuss your results.
4.Generate uniform random variables and construct a normal probability plot.Do the same thing with random variables generated an exponential distribution.Discuss your results.
我知道我悲剧了,我是悲剧了,我外语语种非英语,还碰到个用英语教材的破老师 展开
2.Type help boxplot at the MATLAB command line to learn more about this Statistics Toolbox Function.Do side-by-side boxplots of the oronsay data set.The length of the whisker is easily adjusted using optional input arguments to boxplot.Try various values for this option.
3.Generate two data set,each from a normal distribution with different location and scale parameters.Construst a q-q plot and disuss your results.
4.Generate uniform random variables and construct a normal probability plot.Do the same thing with random variables generated an exponential distribution.Discuss your results.
我知道我悲剧了,我是悲剧了,我外语语种非英语,还碰到个用英语教材的破老师 展开
我英语水平还可以,但是MATLAB 水平有限,帮你翻译一下……
1、产生一些标准的数据,采样尺寸为n=30,n=50,和n = 100。用boxp函数,先得到一个简单的盒状图组,然后用它来获取宽度可变的盒状图。
2、在MATLAB的命令行中输入help boxplot,来了解更多关于统计工具箱的函数。做一个边靠边的奥龙赛数据集。箱须的长度很容易调整,使用可选的输入参数来boxplot。尝试此选项不同的应用价值。
1、产生一些标准的数据,采样尺寸为n=30,n=50,和n = 100。用boxp函数,先得到一个简单的盒状图组,然后用它来获取宽度可变的盒状图。
2、在MATLAB的命令行中输入help boxplot,来了解更多关于统计工具箱的函数。做一个边靠边的奥龙赛数据集。箱须的长度很容易调整,使用可选的输入参数来boxplot。尝试此选项不同的应用价值。
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