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GoingthroughtheXBRLcreationandfilingprocessthisfirsttimearoundwasn'tano-brainer,saysD... Going through the XBRL creation and filing process this first time around wasn't a no-brainer, says Dave Copenhafer, director of EDGAR Services at Bowne Financial Print in New York.

The XBRL specification can be difficult to implement, and preparing a document requires input from a surprisingly large corporate contingency, Copenhafer says. For Bowne's first XBRL-ready filing, the company's finance, IT and legal staff weighed in on the process, as did top executives. One of the hardest parts was making judgments about how existing document data mapped to the XBRL tags, he says.

"When you take a line item out of your human-readable financial report and you want to map that to an appropriate XBRL line item, it turns out there may be numerous choices," Copenhafer says. "So companies and their auditors really need to look at all of the accounting characteristics that define a particular line item and make a selection from the available tags that best fits all of the elements associated with it."

Tools to create and analyze XBRL data are emerging from vendors such as Fujitsu, Rivet Software and Semansys Technologies, but it's an early market. Microsoft partnered with Semansys late last year to create a suite that bundles Microsoft Office and ShareFbint Portal Server with Semansys' XBRL Composer software.

Toolsets aside, the biggest challenge to XBRL adoption is not necessarily the technology behind the specification, but the politics. Getting all parties involved to define and agree upon common taxonomies that encompass different national and international accounting regulations is tough, says Ron Schmelzer, a senior analyst at ZapThink.

"The big challenge with XBRL is getting all these different jurisdictions and accounting bodies to agree on the same terms for financial reporting information," he says.'That's something that's never really been done before, and it's a big task."

Several organizations and governments around the world have made commitments to use XBRL, including the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council in the U.S., the Korean stock exchange KOS DAQ and the Netherlands government.

However, to really accelerate adoption will require some pressure, such as a mandate from an influential regulatory agency, Schmelzer says. The SEC hasn't mandated that companies use XBRL, but its launch of a pilot is a positive indicator for XBRL adoption, he says.

For its part, the SEC says its new pilot is designed to help the agency assess the usefulness of XBRL, along with the implications of data tagging for filers, investors and other parties.
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2010-11-29 · TA获得超过115个赞



工具创建和分析这些数据XBRL供应商如富士通、铆钉软件和Semansys技术,但它是一个早期的市场。微软与Semansys去年创建一个套件,捆ShareFbint微软办公系统和门户网站服务器的Semansys XBRL作曲家软件。

除了工具集,最大的挑战,不一定是XBRL采用背后的科学技术规范,但政治。让所有的当事人来定义并同意,包括不同国家共同分类与国际会计法规严厉,说罗恩Schmelzer ZapThink资深分析师。




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