= =不是现在考试中……………………是几个礼拜后诶╮(╯▽╰)╭想先准备一下 展开
= =不是现在考试中……………………是几个礼拜后诶╮(╯▽╰)╭想先准备一下 展开
Rose: Helen, do you know the new cartoon that just came out?
Helen: Which cartoon? By which studio?
Rose: I think it' by disney but i'm not sure. It was out November. Carol, do you know?
Carol: hmm? What's the name of the cartoon?
Rose: It's called Tangled.
Helen: That sounds interesting!
Carol: Yea, it does!
Helen: Rose, what is it about?
Rose: It well... i didn't watch it yet, though i did watched the trailor.
Carol: Well, what was the trailor about?
Rose: It's basically a twisted version of Rapunzel. You guys know the story of Rapunzel right?
Helen: Of course! It's a classic. 'Oh, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.' says the prince charming.
Carol: haha, yea, i know that.
Rose: It's already out i think last week. We should go watch it sometime!
Carol, Helen: duh! I can't wait.
Carol: Not to mention, i really liked the classical Rapunzel.
Rose: haha, yea. Typical Carol. I'll call you guys when i get the ticket! And we can go watch it in the cinema.
Helen, Carol: Okay!! See you!
Helen: Which cartoon? By which studio?
Rose: I think it' by disney but i'm not sure. It was out November. Carol, do you know?
Carol: hmm? What's the name of the cartoon?
Rose: It's called Tangled.
Helen: That sounds interesting!
Carol: Yea, it does!
Helen: Rose, what is it about?
Rose: It well... i didn't watch it yet, though i did watched the trailor.
Carol: Well, what was the trailor about?
Rose: It's basically a twisted version of Rapunzel. You guys know the story of Rapunzel right?
Helen: Of course! It's a classic. 'Oh, Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair.' says the prince charming.
Carol: haha, yea, i know that.
Rose: It's already out i think last week. We should go watch it sometime!
Carol, Helen: duh! I can't wait.
Carol: Not to mention, i really liked the classical Rapunzel.
Rose: haha, yea. Typical Carol. I'll call you guys when i get the ticket! And we can go watch it in the cinema.
Helen, Carol: Okay!! See you!
A:Hello !Jhon ,where were you last afternoon? All of us didn`t see you !
B:I was playing football with Pite on the playground at that time.
A:Do you like football very much ?
B:Yes ,of course! I love it since I was very young .
How about you ?
A:oh,I like mang sports ,such as football,basketball,table tennis
and so on , but basketball is my favourite!
B:It is good!
Look!who is that ?
A:Oh!It is Bobo!
AB:Hi !Bobo!
A:where are you going ?
C:I want to go to playground
C:Yes,I will play football with my friends!
B:So beautiful!
B:Can we go with you ?
C:Of course! let`s go
AB:Ok !
B:I was playing football with Pite on the playground at that time.
A:Do you like football very much ?
B:Yes ,of course! I love it since I was very young .
How about you ?
A:oh,I like mang sports ,such as football,basketball,table tennis
and so on , but basketball is my favourite!
B:It is good!
Look!who is that ?
A:Oh!It is Bobo!
AB:Hi !Bobo!
A:where are you going ?
C:I want to go to playground
C:Yes,I will play football with my friends!
B:So beautiful!
B:Can we go with you ?
C:Of course! let`s go
AB:Ok !