my family rules英语作文60词

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2022-06-30 · TA获得超过5435个赞


  my family rules英语作文_第1篇:

  Dan, moulding children's intangible force family way of life, culture constitutes the start-up. As the name implies, Dan is a family ethos, style and fashion.

  Famous French writer Roland once said: "life is not an isolated individual growth. It is a growth, a collection of flowers along the way. It is like a sensitive camera, consume the smell can see along the way. Every inch of daily affairs, are weaving personality fibre. Each character of a person's words and deeds in the environment, the building materials are integrated into the growth process, make the person's thoughts and feelings and behavior are infected, around the man's attitude to life. The influence of environment to a person, in addition to the physical imitation, more important is invisible." Thus it serves to show Dan's important.

  Dan is a kind of comprehensive education, it is thought, life habit, emotion, attitude, spirit, interest and other psychological factors, such as a synthesis of a variety of ingredients. Such as language environment, emotional environment, interpersonal environment, moral environment. Home is the first space, growth in children everywhere will be flipping the imprint of a start-up. Dan is a kind of invisible power potential, in daily life exerts a subtle influence on the child's mind, to shape the child's personality, is a kind of wordless education, no words of ancient book, the power of the silent, is the most basic, the most direct, most often education, its impact on children is omni-directional, children's world outlook, the outlook on life, traits of character, moral accomplishment, people skills and habits and customs, etc., start-up of the brand mark every aspect.




  my family rules英语作文_第2篇:

  Dan is a family or the family's traditional fashion or style. Discipline is the custom of the family.

  Read more books, good learning, respect is the start-up of my family. Since I can remember, both in grandma's house and in my home, I can see all kinds of books in the bookcase. My grandfather is a college student, graduated from famous universities he loved books, my grandma said he was from a young age to buy books every month, will also take notes after reading and writing. Read more books will have knowledge, the knowledge will have vision. Grandpa grandma to resist the pressure of the girls don't have to read so many books at that time, saving, three girls develop them become college students. Now mother and two of my aunts have had a very good time, thanks to grandparents! Good habit of reading mom love again to me, that I started very early reading, first grade can smoothly reading a newspaper. Now my grandfather grandmother is older, the body is not very good, need someone to take care of. Mother they sisters all three of the ongoing struggle in secretly for a filial daughter, always does not forget parents' support. A coming home with me when you have time to visit grandparents, talk with grandparents, to do things.

  Punctuality integrity, mutual respect is my family's house rules. Under the rules of specification, I am not late for school again and do things very good faith, obtained the praise of the teachers and students, has a good reputation in the class. In my family, my mom and dad's respect, this child's status improved, my home of things I also can participate in the discussion, proposed own opinion, it makes me proud. This also let I learned to respect yourself, respect others, to listen to the opinions of others to make the right judgment.




my family rules英语作文60词

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