When we talked together, I was in a quiet neighborhood
Those who do not comment on the unknown are not free to judge others
分得清场合身份 不乱开玩笑
You know, keep it clean, don't kid around
做什么事之前都会提前和你说一声 而且是那种轻轻的和你说不是隔着大半个教室对你吼一句
Before doing anything will tell you in advance, and is the kind of gently and you say not half the classroom across from you to yell at you
能看出别人说话行为情商高的人 一定同样也是一个情商高的人
The person who can see the High Eq in others'speech behavior must also be a high eq person
You sent him a bunch of messages, and you're gonNA answer them one by one
Respect for human beings to the letter
To pick up on my emotions and change the subject. Damn it
地铁上戴耳机 接电话转过身去 拥挤的电梯里背着书包不乱晃
Wear headphones on the subway, turn around to answer the phone, carrying a backpack in a crowded elevator do not wander
I listen when I talk
Ask me before you do anything
The person who comes to me in my darkest hour and encourages me rather than criticizes me more
懂得换位思考 察觉别人的情绪
To be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to feel their emotions
The secret to a happy life is not to spend your passion in irrelevant places. It's no use trying to please people who don't care about you. People who care about you won't go far even if they see through your dark side. At the end of the day, you have to give your time and energy to the people who are really worth it
Can detect my inconspicuous little moods
说话的时候会认真地看着你的眼睛 认真倾听你所说的话
Look you in the eye when you speak and listen to what you have to say
When we talked together, I was in a quiet neighborhood
Those who do not comment on the unknown are not free to judge others
分得清场合身份 不乱开玩笑
You know, keep it clean, don't kid around
做什么事之前都会提前和你说一声 而且是那种轻轻的和你说不是隔着大半个教室对你吼一句
Before doing anything will tell you in advance, and is the kind of gently and you say not half the classroom across from you to yell at you
能看出别人说话行为情商高的人 一定同样也是一个情商高的人
The person who can see the High Eq in others'speech behavior must also be a high eq person
You sent him a bunch of messages, and you're gonNA answer them one by one
Respect for human beings to the letter
To pick up on my emotions and change the subject. Damn it
地铁上戴耳机 接电话转过身去 拥挤的电梯里背着书包不乱晃
Wear headphones on the subway, turn around to answer the phone, carrying a backpack in a crowded elevator do not wander
I listen when I talk
Ask me before you do anything
The person who comes to me in my darkest hour and encourages me rather than criticizes me more
懂得换位思考 察觉别人的情绪
To be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to feel their emotions
The secret to a happy life is not to spend your passion in irrelevant places. It's no use trying to please people who don't care about you. People who care about you won't go far even if they see through your dark side. At the end of the day, you have to give your time and energy to the people who are really worth it
Can detect my inconspicuous little moods
说话的时候会认真地看着你的眼睛 认真倾听你所说的话
Look you in the eye when you speak and listen to what you have to say