The rites of preparing for bed were elaborate and unchanging .
铺床叠被 是细致复杂而又一成不变的仪式。
She needs to know the intricacies of purchasing on a large scale, as well as how to make beds and clean carpets properly .
她必须懂得如何正确 铺床叠被 、清洁地毯,还必须了解采购大宗物品这种复杂工作。
Maybe with sufficient nagging , he can make his bed [ sort of ] , take the dishes out of the dishwasher and put out the garbage , chores that in another day would have been the province of his sister
或许,当大人足够唠叨的时候,他能给自己 铺床叠被 (叠得不是很好) 、把碗碟之类的东西从洗碗机里拿出来以及把垃圾扔出去,这些家务杂事在其它时候可能本来都是姐姐妹妹们的专项。