白痴的英文是"idiot",常用的固定搭配是"idiotic behavior",意思是愚蠢的行为。
你这个白痴,这么简单的事情都不会做。You idiot, you can't even do something so simple.
那种白痴行为让人无法理解。Such idiotic behavior is inexplicable.
我受不了你这个白痴,快点滚出去。I can't stand your idiot behavior, get out now.
这个人是个白痴,不要听他的话。That person is an idiot, don't listen to what he says.
你这个白痴,你毁了我的整个计划。You idiot, you've ruined my entire plan.
这种白痴想法是怎么产生的?How did such an idiot idea come about?
我真是个白痴,居然忘记了你的生日。I'm such an idiot, I forgot your birthday.
你这个白痴,不要在这里给我添乱。You idiot, stop messing up here.
这种白痴行为会让你陷入麻烦。Such idiot behavior will get you into trouble.
我真想把你变成一个白痴。I really want to turn you into an idiot.