1.She was chosen as leader by common consent, ie everyone agreed to the choice.她是经一致同意而当选为领导人的。
2.She argued for import control, ie the restricting of imports. 她主张实行进口限制。
3.In August 2020, Microsoft turned its back on IE for its own products. 2020年8月,微软自己的产品开始弃用IE浏览器。
4.Microsoft acknowledges that IE isn't ideal for web browsing. 微软承认,IE不是理想的网络浏览器。
5.So IE has at long last outlived its usefulness. 所以IE浏览器最终还是失去了用途。
6.Objective: To investigate the clinical characteristics, therapeutical approaches and outcome of infective endocarditis ( IE). 目的:探讨感染性心内膜(infective endocarditis,IE)的临床特点、治疗方法及转归。