If the great Newton said that he seemed to have been all his life gathering a few shells on the shore, whilst a boundless ocean of truth still lay beyond and unknown to him, how much more to each of us must the sea of literature be a pathless immensity beyond our powers of vision or of reach−−an immensity in which industry itself is useless without judgment, method, discipline; where it is of infinite importance what we can learn and remember, and of utterly no importance what we may have once looked at or heard of. Alas! the most of our reading leaves as little mark even in our own education as the foam that gathers round the keel of a passing boat!
牛顿说他这辈子所获得的成就仅仅是在沙滩上拣拾几片贝壳, 而真理的海洋始终在躺在他未知的地方,那么对于我们而言文学之海无人所知的领域该有多么广阔无限 在我们的力量所及的视线和触碰之外 一种巨大的行业 写出来的文章不运用方法和自我判断 和反复训练就没有价值可言; 而它的重要性就是让我们明白什么我们能学习和记忆,而仅仅一次的阅读没有. 价值可言哎对大多人而言阅读并没有对他们产生多大影响 甚至是我们受过的教育 也像泡沫一样 我们现在所做的事 仅仅是在拣拾一艘已经开走的船的残骸。
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手机翻译 按的很累