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After world war ii, intra-industry trade in international trade proportion in more and more high, is becoming more and more important, especially developing countries and developed countries between intra-industry trade has now become the world trade research hotspot. China and the United States as the world's largest developing countries and developed countries, and study the intra-industry trade is very typical.
This paper, using respectively sino-us nine between industries from 1999 until 2009 and related data, using the G L index of sino-american manufactured goods trade intra-industry trade index is computed, at present the basic pattern of sino-us trade situation and on the analysis of the sino-us intra-industry trade development factors of the foundation, on the ascending sino-us intra-industry trade level put forward effective policy Suggestions.
This paper, using respectively sino-us nine between industries from 1999 until 2009 and related data, using the G L index of sino-american manufactured goods trade intra-industry trade index is computed, at present the basic pattern of sino-us trade situation and on the analysis of the sino-us intra-industry trade development factors of the foundation, on the ascending sino-us intra-industry trade level put forward effective policy Suggestions.

2025-01-20 广告
作为深圳美辑编译信息咨询有限公司的工作人员,我回答:将中文文章翻译成英文后,可以再次发表在SCI期刊上,但需要注意以下几点:1. 翻译的质量要高,翻译后的英文文章应该符合英语表达习惯和语法规则,并且与原文意思保持一致。2. 翻译后的英文文章...
After world war ii, intra-industry trade in international trade proportion in more and more high, is becoming more and more important, especially developing countries and developed countries between intra-industry trade has now become the world trade research hotspot. China and the United States as the world's largest developing countries and developed countries, and study the intra-industry trade is very typical.
This paper, using respectively sino-us nine between industries from 1999 until 2009 and related data, using the G L index of sino-american manufactured goods trade intra-industry trade index is computed, at present the basic pattern of sino-us trade situation and on the analysis of the sino-us intra-industry trade development factors of the foundation, on the ascending sino-us intra-industry trade level put forward effective policy Suggestions.
This paper, using respectively sino-us nine between industries from 1999 until 2009 and related data, using the G L index of sino-american manufactured goods trade intra-industry trade index is computed, at present the basic pattern of sino-us trade situation and on the analysis of the sino-us intra-industry trade development factors of the foundation, on the ascending sino-us intra-industry trade level put forward effective policy Suggestions.
After world war ii, the proportion of intra-industry trade in international trade is becoming higher, and it is getting more and more important, intra-industry trade has now become the world trade research hotspot. especially in developing countries and developed countries.the study of intra-industry trade in China and the United States is typical, as the former is world's largest developing country and the latter is the world's largest developed countries,
it computes sino-american manufactured goods trade intra-industry trade index by using the G L index.
It analysis factors influencing Sino-us intra-industry trade development
At last the paper get the basic pattern of sino-us trade situation by using related data of nine industries from 1999 until 2009,
It, puts forward some effective Suggestions to promote ?(upgrade level up
)sino-us intra-industry trade .
it computes sino-american manufactured goods trade intra-industry trade index by using the G L index.
It analysis factors influencing Sino-us intra-industry trade development
At last the paper get the basic pattern of sino-us trade situation by using related data of nine industries from 1999 until 2009,
It, puts forward some effective Suggestions to promote ?(upgrade level up
)sino-us intra-industry trade .