
朋友们,此时的你是否泪眼模糊了,是否也跟我一样惭愧的想着:那棵树,就好像我们的爸爸妈妈,我们就好像那个小男孩,小时候,我们总是围绕在爸爸妈妈的周围玩耍,渐渐地长大后,我们... 朋友们,此时的你是否泪眼模糊了,是否也跟我一样惭愧的想着:那棵树,就好像我们的爸爸妈妈,我们就好像那个小男孩,小时候,我们总是围绕在爸爸妈妈的周围玩耍,渐渐地长大后,我们会离开父母的身边,而且不常回来。每次回来,就是不快乐的时候,不然就是有什么需要的时候。而父母都会把他们身上最好的最符合我们需要的东西交给我们,这时我们总是拿了东西,转身就走,留下了渴望我们留在他们身旁的父母,凝视着渐小的背影。

 我来答
2010-12-04 · TA获得超过2266个赞
My friends, this time you tears blurred, if like me, ashamed of thinking: the tree, just like our parents, we like the little boy, a child, we are always around my father Mother playing around, gradually grew up, we will leave their parents side, and rarely come back. 每次回来,就是不快乐的时候,不然就是有什么需要的时候。 Each time back, is not happy, or is there any need it. 而父母都会把他们身上最好的最符合我们需要的东西交给我们,这时我们总是拿了东西,转身就走,留下了渴望我们留在他们身旁的父母,凝视着渐小的背影。 The parents are the best to them what we need most to us, then we always got something, turned away, leaving a desire for us to stay beside their parents, staring gradually smaller back.   虽然如此,他们在心中,却是不断地说着:“希望孩子会快乐,祝福孩子一路顺利、平安。”当我们累时,他们就伸出双手怀抱着我们,让我们安稳地在他们怀中休息,不受吵闹。     Even so, they in their hearts, but it is constantly saying: "I hope the child will be happy, bless the child all the way to a smooth, safe." When we tired, they reach out to embrace us, let us be secure in their arms to rest, free from noise.   为人父母者,想的都是无怨无悔的给予;天下间再也不会有任何人给予我们如此盛大、永无休止的爱和恩慈;再也不会有这样的心甘情愿,只为我们笑逐颜开而不计得失辛苦的劳作。     parents, are to be given without complaint; the sun never anyone give us such a grand, never-ending love and mercy; there will not be so willing, only We wreathed in smiles instead of gain or loss of hard labor.   爸爸妈妈的笑容,是世间温暖和煦的春风,爸爸妈妈的皱纹,是辛苦岁月霜雪雨的刻痕,而爸爸妈妈的爱在这世间便另有天地。     Mom and Dad smile, is the world's spring and warm, mom and dad's wrinkles, is very hard rain nick frost days, and parents will love in this world and another world. 仿佛有一扇门,推开它便会看到万丈光芒。 As if there is a door open it will see a dazzling. 这光,给孩子指引,给孩子保护,给孩子温暖,给孩子希望! This light, to guide their children, protecting the children, the children warm, the children hope! ! !   爸爸妈妈的爱是心甘情愿,是永无止境!     father and mother love is willing, is endless! ! !   而为人子女,是不是真的体会到这一片苦心?     The sons and daughters, is not really to feel that this piece of pains? 是否想到一份回报? Whether the thought of a return Let us with open arms, embrace our mom and dad! Mom and Dad told us, and we know their love, understand their pay, let us cherish a grateful heart, for our father and mother said: "Thank you, Dear Mom and Dad! Let us continue to grow and progress in return for selfless love you! "not to buckle word translation.
2010-12-05 · TA获得超过110个赞
  Dear friends,is it misty in your eyes while you might be thinking with shame and regret like i do now:
  that tree is just like our parents,
  while we are being that little boy.
  when we were little,we used to play with our parents right around,
  but as we grew older,we just left them without coming back to visit that often.
  We only come back to them when we feel terrible or we need something.
  Parents,they just give us the best they've got to us which is what we need as they always do
  but we just take it,turn around without hestitating,leaving the parents who want us to stay some longer around so bad staring at us walking away slowly。(句式有点复杂哈但是没错误哦)
  However,they keep telling theirselves:
  'I want my baby to be happy,safe,and everything is smooth all the way'
  When we're exhausted,they hug us and let us sleep tight peacefully in their arms without getting disturbed.
  The ones who are parents,the only thought they've got is to give with no regret;
  there would be nobody else who can ever give us such wonderful and endless love and Kindness,再也不会有这样的心甘情愿,
  there would be nobody who gives all but asks for none,
  but only tries hard to make us happy.
  Their smile,is like the soft warm breeze
  Their wrinkles,are the carving of hard times,
  Their love has its own kingdom in the world.
  It's like that there is a door,and you see lights when you open it
  the light,swhich guide the kids,protect the kids,and give them hope!
  Their love,is endless and unrequited!
  But as a son or daughter,can you really feel their love?
  have you got an idea of how you're going to return the love?
  Let's hug our parents!
  and tell them that we understand their love and their effort,
  Let's be thankful
  and tell our parents:'thank you so much ,dear dad and mom!'
  thank you,for your selfless love that keeps up becoming a better person!'

  肯定没有拼写或者语法错误哦:)基本上都是逐字逐句的翻译 希望LZ能支持我一下哦~
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Friends, right now if you eyes clouded with tears, whether also like me ashamed of thinking: the tree, like our mom and dad, we like the little boy, childhood, we always around mom and dad's play around, gradually grew up, we will leave your parents side and don't come back often. Every time back, it's not happy, or you need anything. And parents will give them the best and most accord with what we need to us, then we always took things, turned away, leaving a longing we stay by their parents, stare at tailed of figure. Friends, right now if you eyes clouded with tears, whether also like me ashamed of thinking: the tree, like our mom and dad, we like the little boy, childhood, we always around mom and dad's play around, gradually grew up, we will leave your parents side and don't come back often. Every time back, it's not happy, or you need anything. And parents will give them the best and most accord with what we need to us, then we always took things, turned away, leaving a longing we stay by their parents, stare at tailed of figure.

� � nonetheless, in their heart, is continuously ground to say: "hope children can be joyful, blessing all smooth, children safe." When we are tired, they would stretch my hands carrying us, let us secure in their bosom rest, do not suffer noisy. � � nonetheless, in their heart, is continuously ground to say: "hope children can be joyful, blessing all smooth, children safe." When we are tired, they would stretch my hands carrying us, let us secure in their bosom rest, do not suffer noisy.

� � parenting person, who want to take to give; The world won't have anyone between giving us so big, endless love and kindness; There will be no such willingly, just for our smile regardless of the gain and loss of hard work. � � parenting person, who want to take to give; The world won't have anyone between giving us so big, endless love and kindness; There will be no such willingly, just for our smile regardless of the gain and loss of hard work .

� � mom and dad smile, it is worldly warm vernal spring breeze, mom and dad wrinkles are hard years hard the frost, and the rain notch mom and dad love in this world will otherwise heaven and earth. As though a door, push it will see rays. This light, give the child guide, give the child protection, give the child warm, give the child hope!! � � mom and dad smile, it is worldly warm vernal spring breeze, mom and dad wrinkles are hard years hard the frost, and the rain notch mom and dad love in this world will otherwise heaven and earth. As though a door, push it will see rays. This light, give the child guide, give the child protection, give the child warm, give the child hope!!

� � father mother love is willingly, is endless!! � � father mother love is willingly, is endless!!

� � and humanness children, really realize a painstaking? Have you ever thought of a return? So let us with open arms and hug our father mother! Tell us of mom and dad, we know their love, understand their efforts, let us have a thankful heart, to our mom and dad said: "thank you, dear mom and dad! Let's continuous growth and progress rewards you unselfish love!" � � and humanness children, really realize a painstaking? Have you ever thought of a return? So let us with open arms and hug our father mother! Tell us of mom and dad, we know their love, understand their efforts, let us have a thankful heart, to our mom and dad said: "thank you, dear mom and dad! Let's continuous growth and progress rewards you unselfish love!
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Friends, right now if you eyes clouded with tears, whether also like me ashamed of thinking: the tree, like our mom and dad, we like the little boy, childhood, we always around mom and dad's play around, gradually grew up, we will leave your parents side and don't come back often. Every time back, it's not happy, or you need anything. And parents will give them the best and most accord with what we need to us, then we always took things, turned away, leaving a longing we stay by their parents, stare at tailed of figure.

� � nonetheless, in their heart, is continuously ground to say: "hope children can be joyful, blessing all smooth, children safe." When we are tired, they would stretch my hands carrying us, let us secure in their bosom rest, do not suffer noisy.

� � parenting person, who want to take to give; The world won't have anyone between giving us so big, endless love and kindness; There will be no such willingly, just for our smile regardless of the gain and loss of hard work.

� � mom and dad smile, it is worldly warm vernal spring breeze, mom and dad wrinkles are hard years hard the frost, and the rain notch mom and dad love in this world will otherwise heaven and earth. As though a door, push it will see rays. This light, give the child guide, give the child protection, give the child warm, give the child hope!!

� � father mother love is willingly, is endless!!

� � and humanness children, really realize a painstaking? Have you ever thought of a return? So let us with open arms and hug our father mother! Tell us of mom and dad, we know their love, understand their efforts, let us have a thankful heart, to our mom and dad said: "thank you, dear mom and dad! Let's continuous growth and progress rewards you unselfish love!"
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