The Chinese traditional culture reckons that all things are composed by the two aspects of Ying and Yang; the creation of all things on earth is only possible with the intercourse of Ying and Yang. Under such a cultural concept, the development of things is in a geometric rundle of one to two, two to four, four to eight and so on. Therefore, even numbers imply auspiciousness in the cultural connotation of the Chinese language.
The Chinese are fond of the meaning of couple in the even numbers, pursuing good things in pairs and longing for a double blessing. Practically all the even numbers and their multiples are meant to be commendatory and propitious signs in the Chinese language. Therefore,many Chinese phrases with even numbers are associated with commendatory meanings. However, due to some kind of special cultural roots, certain odd numbers also appear on the list of China’s auspicious numbers.
The Chinese traditional culture reckons that all things are composed by the two aspects of Ying and Yang; the creation of all things on earth is only possible with the intercourse of Ying and Yang. Under such a cultural concept, the development of things is in a geometric rundle of one to two, two to four, four to eight and so on. Therefore, even numbers imply auspiciousness in the cultural connotation of the Chinese language.
The Chinese are fond of the meaning of couple in the even numbers, pursuing good things in pairs and longing for a double blessing. Practically all the even numbers and their multiples are meant to be commendatory and propitious signs in the Chinese language. Therefore,many Chinese phrases with even numbers are associated with commendatory meanings. However, due to some kind of special cultural roots, certain odd numbers also appear on the list of China’s auspicious numbers.
Traditional Chinese culture believe that all living things contain a system of Yin-and-Yang. Only by the balance of Yin and Yang, can nature breeds everything. from this culture perspective, everything presents ①a geometrical step development as one merged into two, two merged into four, four merged into eight etc. For this reason, even numbers implies lucky and blessing in Chinese culture connotation. Chinese people love ②the even numbers for their meaning of coincidence. They believe "good things should come in pairs" and always expect to have double blessings descended upon their houses. Therefore, in Chinese culture, almost all the even numbers contain positive meanings and auspices. This culture connotation of even numbers in Chinese also results in positive and commendatory meanings contained in many Chinese phrases with even numbers in them. However, in view of some unique cultural origin, some odd numbers are also endowed with positive meanings and being included in Chinese lucky numbers .
① 【一化为二、二化为四、四化为八的几何梯级发展】 这句我不是很有把握。希望能看到更好的译法。
② 【双数的偶合义】 我觉得我个人的理解不够深刻。因此用词不够精确。
① 【一化为二、二化为四、四化为八的几何梯级发展】 这句我不是很有把握。希望能看到更好的译法。
② 【双数的偶合义】 我觉得我个人的理解不够深刻。因此用词不够精确。
Chinese traditional culture that the two things by the yin and yang aspects, yin and yang only intercourse, can breed all things. In view of this culture, the things are from one into two, two into four, four modernizations for the eight-step development of geometry. So, double the number in Chinese culture contains auspicious connotations. Chinese people like to double the number of coupling justice, the pursuit of good dual, eager to double honor. An even multiple of Chinese and almost all contain compliment, showing good omen. Therefore, the Chinese have many words with even with compliment. However, due to a particular cultural roots, there are also some odd lucky number in China in the ranks.