在学习英语过程中,学生总是倾向于用自己的文化标准来衡量别人的言行和思想,并总用自己的汉语习惯来表达自己的思想,而忽略了第二语言所包含的文化内涵。所以,中国学生学习英语时,会在某种程度上受本族文化和语言的影响和干扰,往往会不自觉地把本族的文化和语言搬到英语学习中去。汉语文化负迁移造成理解错误或使交际陷入尴尬境地的例子不胜枚举。中国人重感情,英美人重隐私,英美人见面常谈天气,因其不涉及隐私,中国人见面常谈生活细节,所以许多中国人将汉语习惯也迁移到英语中,碰到英美人士也套用“Where are you going?”“How old are you?”,自然就有冒犯他人之嫌了。
汉语的掌握是从幼儿便开始,生理发育过程和思维过程相辅相成,而外语的学习是发生在思维和汉语已经建立了直接牢固的联系后,因此“汉语是学习者习得第二语言的起点”〔4〕。所以外语学习过程不可能离开汉语思维。大多数中国学生是在基本掌握了汉语的情况下才开始学习英语的,他们在学英语之前,头脑中早已形成了大量的汉语概念,因而形成了一定的汉语思维模式和语言习惯。在学习英语的过程中,他们自然地就会把通过汉语学习而获得的语言知识运用到新的语言的学习中去,用大量的汉语知识去帮助理解和运用英语。与此同时,先入为主的汉语对外语的思维生长具有极大的“抢夺”作用和“打压”作用,这种强大的抢夺作用和打压作用足以将外语的思维活动牢牢地抑制住,使外语思维寸步难行。 展开
在学习英语过程中,学生总是倾向于用自己的文化标准来衡量别人的言行和思想,并总用自己的汉语习惯来表达自己的思想,而忽略了第二语言所包含的文化内涵。所以,中国学生学习英语时,会在某种程度上受本族文化和语言的影响和干扰,往往会不自觉地把本族的文化和语言搬到英语学习中去。汉语文化负迁移造成理解错误或使交际陷入尴尬境地的例子不胜枚举。中国人重感情,英美人重隐私,英美人见面常谈天气,因其不涉及隐私,中国人见面常谈生活细节,所以许多中国人将汉语习惯也迁移到英语中,碰到英美人士也套用“Where are you going?”“How old are you?”,自然就有冒犯他人之嫌了。
汉语的掌握是从幼儿便开始,生理发育过程和思维过程相辅相成,而外语的学习是发生在思维和汉语已经建立了直接牢固的联系后,因此“汉语是学习者习得第二语言的起点”〔4〕。所以外语学习过程不可能离开汉语思维。大多数中国学生是在基本掌握了汉语的情况下才开始学习英语的,他们在学英语之前,头脑中早已形成了大量的汉语概念,因而形成了一定的汉语思维模式和语言习惯。在学习英语的过程中,他们自然地就会把通过汉语学习而获得的语言知识运用到新的语言的学习中去,用大量的汉语知识去帮助理解和运用英语。与此同时,先入为主的汉语对外语的思维生长具有极大的“抢夺”作用和“打压”作用,这种强大的抢夺作用和打压作用足以将外语的思维活动牢牢地抑制住,使外语思维寸步难行。 展开
4. cultural aspects.
In the study English process, the student always favors in uses own cultural standard to weigh others words and deeds and the thought, and always uses own Chinese custom to express own thought, but has neglected the cultural connotation which the second language contains.Therefore, the Chinese students study time English, can receive this race culture and the language influence and the disturbance to a certain extent, often meets not on own initiative moves to this race's culture and the language in English study.The Chinese culture negative migration creates the understanding wrong or causes the human relations to fall into the awkward region example to be too numerous to cite individually.The Chinese heavy sentiment, the English beautiful woman heavy privacy, the English beautiful woman meets the ordinary remarks weather, because it does not involve the privacy, the Chinese meets the ordinary remarks life trivia, therefore many Chinese also migrate Chinese custom to English in, bumps into the British and American public figure also to apply mechanically “Where are you going?”“How old are you?”Had naturally affronts other people the suspicion.
Third, the disturbance
reason disturbance produces the reason is complex.Looked from language itself, the different language both has the similarity, and has the difference and the particularity, this has provided the possibility for the disturbance production.The author thought that,
1. Chinese first impressions are most lasting.
Chinese grasping is then starts from the baby, the physiological growth process and the thought process complement one another, but the foreign language study was occurs after the thought and Chinese has already established the direct reliable relation, therefore “Chinese was the learner practices the second language beginning” (4).Therefore the foreign language study process not impossible to leave Chinese thought.
In the study English process, the student always favors in uses own cultural standard to weigh others words and deeds and the thought, and always uses own Chinese custom to express own thought, but has neglected the cultural connotation which the second language contains.Therefore, the Chinese students study time English, can receive this race culture and the language influence and the disturbance to a certain extent, often meets not on own initiative moves to this race's culture and the language in English study.The Chinese culture negative migration creates the understanding wrong or causes the human relations to fall into the awkward region example to be too numerous to cite individually.The Chinese heavy sentiment, the English beautiful woman heavy privacy, the English beautiful woman meets the ordinary remarks weather, because it does not involve the privacy, the Chinese meets the ordinary remarks life trivia, therefore many Chinese also migrate Chinese custom to English in, bumps into the British and American public figure also to apply mechanically “Where are you going?”“How old are you?”Had naturally affronts other people the suspicion.
Third, the disturbance
reason disturbance produces the reason is complex.Looked from language itself, the different language both has the similarity, and has the difference and the particularity, this has provided the possibility for the disturbance production.The author thought that,
1. Chinese first impressions are most lasting.
Chinese grasping is then starts from the baby, the physiological growth process and the thought process complement one another, but the foreign language study was occurs after the thought and Chinese has already established the direct reliable relation, therefore “Chinese was the learner practices the second language beginning” (4).Therefore the foreign language study process not impossible to leave Chinese thought.