
老师好!我是北大附小六年级八班的性格开朗、活泼可爱的阳光女孩伏皛,是学校少先队的副大队长,一至三年级,均被评为“好孩子”,四至五年级,均被评为“三好学生”。我各科成绩历年... 老师好!我是北大附小六年级八班的性格开朗、活泼可爱的阳光女孩伏皛,是学校少先队的副大队长,一至三年级,均被评为“好孩子”,四至五年级,均被评为“三好学生”。我各科成绩历年来均为优秀,始终名列本年级的前茅,获得全国英语等级考试三级合格证书,获得第七届全国青少年“春蕾杯”征文优秀奖, 获得北京市小学生程序设计比赛二等奖,海淀区中小学生信息学计算机奥赛小学组一等奖,还到人民大会堂向国家领导人表演过小学生计算机操作。我兴趣广泛,多才多艺。获得第三届国际少儿艺术大展银奖、十佳小主持人称号,是学校电视台的主持人,参加学校舞蹈队赴马来西亚和新加坡访问演出,主演的音乐剧《波斯猫减肥》获得北京市优秀科普短剧奖,获得北京市海淀区中小学艺术竞赛书法比赛一等奖,还一直学习着钢琴、芭蕾舞课程,爱好游泳、乒乓球、羽毛球等。我办事、组织能力较强,长期担任学生干部。从二年级开始,一直当选为中队长,主持过历次主题班会,现任学校少先队的副大队长。还经常为同学和学校做一些公益事情,这也是对我自己的锻炼。我为人热情,富有爱心,能与同学们友好相处。从三年级开始,就对口资助青海省贫困地区的小学生。假如老师们有兴趣的话,还可以登陆北大附小网站,那里每周一星栏目上,详细地介绍了我的情况。我可不是说我什么都好啊,缺点和不足也有不少。比如,我三年级第一次考华校时,就因考前没有准备而名落孙山,但我没有气馁,后来加倍努力,才在四年级时考进了仁华学校。请相信我会继续谦虚勤奋,不断改地正自己的缺点,既有能力成为一名综合素质较高的优秀生,也有能力所在的学校争光。谢谢! 展开
 我来答
The teacher be nice! I am the Beijing University attached elementary school sixth grade eight classes am cheerful, the lively lovable sunlight girl bend down , is school Young Pioneers' vice- production brigade chief, one to three grades, is evaluated "the good child", four to five grades, is evaluated "the healthy, studious, and helpful student". My various branches result all previous years come for to be outstanding, throughout is this grade the vanguard, obtains the national English rank to take a test three levels of certificates of quality, obtains the seventh session of national young people "the spring flower bud cup" the article outstanding prize, wins the Beijing elementary student programming competition second prize, the Haidian Disctrict elementary and middle school students information study computer Austria match elementary school group first award, but also arrives the Great Hall of the People to perform the elementary student computer operation to the national leader .
My interest is widespread, versatile. Obtains the third session of international children art greatly to unfold the silver prize, the top-notch young director title, is the school television station's directors, participates in the school dance team to go to Malaysia and Singapore gives a visiting performance, the musical which acts the leading role "Persian cat Loses weight" wins the Beijing outstanding popular science short drama prize, wins the Beijing Haidian Disctrict elementary and middle schools art competition calligraphy competition first award, but also continuously is studying the piano, the ballet curriculum, the hobby swimming, the ping pong, the badminton and so on. I handle matters, the organization ability am stronger, holds the post of the student cadre for a long time. Starts from the second year, continuously was elected as the squadron commander, has managed successively the subject class meeting, incumbent school Young Pioneers' vice- production brigade chief. Also frequently handles some public welfare matters for the schoolmate and the school, this also is to I exercise. My manner is warm, the rich compassion, can in a friendly way be together with the schoolmates. Starts from three grades, suitably subsidizes the Qinghai Province impoverished area elementary student. If teachers have the interest the speech, but also may land the Beijing University attached elementary school website, in there every Monday star column, in detail briefed my situation. I certainly to be sure said my anything is good, the shortcoming and insufficient also has many. For instance, my three grades first time test the Chinese timing front, because of tests the preparation not to fail in a competitive examination, but I have not been discouraged, afterwards redoubled one's efforts, only then when four grades tested the kernel China school. Please believed I can modestly continue to be diligent, unceasingly changes the own shortcoming, also has the ability to become a comprehensive quality higher distinguished student, also has the school which the ability is at to bring honor. Thanks!
这是日语:教师は素晴らしい! 私は、活発で爱らしい日光の女の子のくねり阳気な、北京の大学によって付けられる小学校の第6等级8のクラスAM学校の若者の开拓者の副生产の组の责任者、1つから3つの等级、「よい子供」、4つから5つの等级评価されたり、「健康で、热心で、有用な学生」评価される。 私の様々な枝结果は顕著であることをすべての前年のためにすっかりであるこの等级前卫、得る国民の英国のテストに质の证明书の3つのレベルを取るためにランクを得る国民の若者达の第7会议を「ばねのつぼみのコップ」记事顕著な赏、胜つ北京の基本的な学生のプログラミングの竞争第2赏に来る、Haidian最初にDisctrictは基本的で、中学校学生情报调査コンピュータオーストリアのマッチの小学校のグループ与えるが、また国民リーダーに基本的な学生の计算机操作を行う人民大食堂着く。 私の兴味は広まっている、多目的。 国际的な子供の芸术の第3会议を银制赏、最高の若いディレクタータイトルを开くために非常に得たり学校のテレビ局のディレクターがあったり、学校のダンスのチームにマレーシアに行くために加わり、シンガポールは访问の性能、先导的な役割の「ペルシャ猫失ったり重量」の胜利北京の顕著な普及した科学の不足分の戯曲赏、胜つ基本北京Haidian Disctrictに机能し、中学校の芸术の竞争のcalligraphyの竞争が最初に与えるが、また绝えずピアノ、バレエのカリキュラム、趣味の水泳、卓球、バドミントンをおよびそう调査しているミュージカルを与える。 私は问题、より强い构成能力AM把握を学生の干部のポスト长い间扱う。 第2年からの开始は舰队の司令官として、绝えず、引き続いて管理した従がうクラス会、在职者の学校の若者の开拓者の副生产の组の责任者を选ばれた。 また频繁に学友のためのある公共の福祉の问题を扱い、学校は、これiの练习にまたある。 私の方法は学友とともに暖かいの豊富な同情、友好的な方法で缶ある。 3つの等级からの开始は、适切にQinghai地域贫しくされた区域基本的な学生に助成金を支给する。 教师に兴味があればスピーチはまた、あらゆる月曜日の星のコラムで、详しく报告した私の状态を北京の大学によって付けられる小学校のウェブサイトを、そこに上陆させるかもしれないが。 本当に私の何でも言われるべきIつは确かによく、欠点不十分また多数を持っている。 例えば、私の3つの等级の初めてテストだけはテストのために中国のタイミングの前部、竞争试験に失败しない准备しかし私4つの等级が谷粒の中国の学校をテストしたときに、その后努力倍加されて、そして落胆しなかった。 信じられて私はまたまた绝え间なく変える所有する欠点を、持っている広范囲の质より高く顕著な学生になる机能を持っている能力が名誉を持って来ることである学校を适度に勤勉であり続けてもいい。 ありがとう!
교사는 좋다! 나는, 기운찬 사랑스러운 햇빛 여아 굴곡 쾌활한이고, 아래로 베이징 대학에 의하여 붙어 있던 초등학교 여섯 번째 급료 8 종류 AM 학교 젊음 개척자의 부 생산 여단 장, 1개에서 3개의 급료이고, "좋은 아이이라고", 4개에서 5개의 급료 평가되고, "건강하고, 면학, 도움이 되는 학생" 평가된다. 나의 각종 분지 결과는 걸출하기 위하여 모든 작년을 위해, 처음부터 끝까지이다 이 급료 선봉, 얻는다 국가 영국 시험에게 질의 증명서의 3개 수준을 가지고 가기 위하여 계급을, 얻는다 국가 젊은이의 일곱 번째 회의를 "봄 꽃봉오리 컵" 기사 걸출한 상품, 이긴다 베이징 초등 학생 프로그램 경쟁 두번째 상품을 온다, Haidian 첫째로 Disctrict는 초등과 중학교 학생 정보 학문 컴퓨터 오스트리아 성냥 초등학교 그룹 수여하고, 또한 국가 지도자에게 초등 학생 컴퓨터 조작을 실행하는 인민 대회당 도착한다. 나의 관심사는 대폭적, 다재다능한이다. 국제적인 아이들 예술의 제 3 의 회의를 은 상품, 일류 젊은 지도자 제목을 펼치기 위하여 중대하게 얻고, 학교 텔레비전 방송국의 지도자이고, 학교 춤 팀에 말레이지아에 가기 위하여 참가하고 싱가포르는 방문 성과, "페르시아 고양이 무게" 승리 베이징 걸출한 대중 과학 간결 연극 상품 잃는 주연 행동하고, 초등 베이징 Haidian Disctrict를 이기고 중학교 예술 경쟁 달필 경쟁이 첫째로 수여하고, 또한 지속적으로 피아노, 발레 교육과정, 취미 수영, 탁구, 배드민턴을 등등 공부하고 있는 뮤지컬을 준다. 나는 사정, 더 강한 조직 능력 AM, 파악을 학생 간부의 포스트 장시간에 처리한다. 두번째 년에서 시작은 비행중대 지휘관으로, 지속적으로, 계속되 처리했다 지배를 받았 학급회, 재직자 학교 젊음 개척자의 부 생산 여단 장을 선임되었다. 또한 빈번하게 교우를 위한 몇몇 공중 복지 사정을 처리하고 학교는, 이것 I 운동에 또한 이다. 나의 방법은 교우와 함께 온난하다 의 부유한 연민, 친절한 방법에 있는 깡통 있다. 3개의 급료에서 시작은, 적당하게 Qinghai 지방 가난하게 한 지역 초등 학생에 보조금을 준다. 교사는 관심사가 있는 경우에 연설은, 또한 각 월요일 별 란에서, 상세히 요약했다 나의 상황을 베이징 대학에 의하여 붙어 있던 초등학교 웹사이트를, 거기 도착할지도 모른다. I는 확실하게 확실히 나의 아무거나가 좋, 결손 부족한 또한 많은 것이 다는 것을 밝혔다. 예를 들면 4개의 급료가 알갱이 중국 학교를 시험할 때, 나의 3개의 급료 처음 시험만 시험 때문에 중국 타이밍 정면, 경쟁 검사에서 실패하지 않을 것이다 준비, 아니라 나, 이후에 자기의 노력이라고 배가해, 그 후에 낙담되지 않았다. 믿어 나는 또한 또한, 부단하게 바꾼다 소유한다 결손을, 있다 포괄적인 질 더 높은 수훈이 있는 학생이 되는 기능이, 있다 능력이 명예를 가져오기 위한 것인 학교가 겸손하게 근면한 계속해서 좋다. 감사합니다!

参考资料: http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=zh-CN,这里可以将上面的文章翻译成多种文字

2007-02-15 · TA获得超过113个赞
The teacher be nice! I am the Beijing University attached elementary school sixth grade eight classes am cheerful, the lively lovable sunlight girl bend down , is school Young Pioneers' vice- production brigade chief, one to three grades, is evaluated "the good child", four to five grades, is evaluated "the healthy, studious, and helpful student". My various branches result all previous years come for to be outstanding, throughout is this grade the vanguard, obtains the national English rank to take a test three levels of certificates of quality, obtains the seventh session of national young people "the spring flower bud cup" the article outstanding prize, wins the Beijing elementary student programming competition second prize, the Haidian Disctrict elementary and middle school students information study computer Austria match elementary school group first award, but also arrives the Great Hall of the People to perform the elementary student computer operation to the national leader .
My interest is widespread, versatile. Obtains the third session of international children art greatly to unfold the silver prize, the top-notch young director title, is the school television station's directors, participates in the school dance team to go to Malaysia and Singapore gives a visiting performance, the musical which acts the leading role "Persian cat Loses weight" wins the Beijing outstanding popular science short drama prize, wins the Beijing Haidian Disctrict elementary and middle schools art competition calligraphy competition first award, but also continuously is studying the piano, the ballet curriculum, the hobby swimming, the ping pong, the badminton and so on. I handle matters, the organization ability am stronger, holds the post of the student cadre for a long time. Starts from the second year, continuously was elected as the squadron commander, has managed successively the subject class meeting, incumbent school Young Pioneers' vice- production brigade chief. Also frequently handles some public welfare matters for the schoolmate and the school, this also is to I exercise. My manner is warm, the rich compassion, can in a friendly way be together with the schoolmates. Starts from three grades, suitably subsidizes the Qinghai Province impoverished area elementary student. If teachers have the interest the speech, but also may land the Beijing University attached elementary school website, in there every Monday star column, in detail briefed my situation. I certainly to be sure said my anything is good, the shortcoming and insufficient also has many. For instance, my three grades first time test the Chinese timing front, because of tests the preparation not to fail in a competitive examination, but I have not been discouraged, afterwards redoubled one's efforts, only then when four grades tested the kernel China school. Please believed I can modestly continue to be diligent, unceasingly changes the own shortcoming, also has the ability to become a comprehensive quality higher distinguished student, also has the school which the ability is at to bring honor. Thanks!
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2007-02-15 · 超过22用户采纳过TA的回答
那么长一篇文章 才给15分
损不损呢你 傻子才帮你翻
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2007-02-15 · TA获得超过551个赞
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