请帮忙翻译一下心理学论文的部分内容。多谢了! 10
Emotional exhaustion, cynicism and job burnout sub-dimensions, the "35-45 years" age group are the highest scores, and in the dimensions of emotional exhaustion was significantly higher than "<35-year-old" age group of subjects; in reduced personal accomplishment dimension, subjects score decreased with age, height differences between age groups reached a significant level
3 Different academic subjects in the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout significantly different scores, college / undergraduate degree subjects and the overall level of emotional exhaustion burnout levels were significantly lower than high school education and junior secondary education subjects
4 Monitoring force in the time dimension and time management tend to the score of "less than 35 years old" group was the highest test score, and the age group with the "35-45 years" age group differences were tested to achieve a significant level
5 Job burnout and the tendency of the dimensions of time management was negatively related
3 Different academic subjects in the emotional exhaustion dimension of burnout significantly different scores, college / undergraduate degree subjects and the overall level of emotional exhaustion burnout levels were significantly lower than high school education and junior secondary education subjects
4 Monitoring force in the time dimension and time management tend to the score of "less than 35 years old" group was the highest test score, and the age group with the "35-45 years" age group differences were tested to achieve a significant level
5 Job burnout and the tendency of the dimensions of time management was negatively related