linux ftp中, user 命令怎么用?
在ubuntu 12.04上用man ftp了解到ftp有一个叫user的命令. 我的疑问是, user-name与account分别指什么? user-name应该就是登陆名吧,那account有什么用?
user user-name [password] [account]
Identify yourself to the remote FTP server. If the password
is not specified and the server requires it, ftp will prompt
the user for it (after disabling local echo). If an account
field is not specified, and the FTP server requires it, the
user will be prompted for it. If an account field is speci‐
fied, an account command will be relayed to the remote server
after the login sequence is completed if the remote server
did not require it for logging in. Unless ftp is invoked
with “auto-login” disabled, this process is done automati‐
cally on initial connection to the FTP server. 展开
user user-name [password] [account]
Identify yourself to the remote FTP server. If the password
is not specified and the server requires it, ftp will prompt
the user for it (after disabling local echo). If an account
field is not specified, and the FTP server requires it, the
user will be prompted for it. If an account field is speci‐
fied, an account command will be relayed to the remote server
after the login sequence is completed if the remote server
did not require it for logging in. Unless ftp is invoked
with “auto-login” disabled, this process is done automati‐
cally on initial connection to the FTP server. 展开
1、 启动VSFTP服务器
A:cenos下运行:yum install vsftpd
B. 登录Linux主机后,运行命令:”service vsftpd start”
C. 要让FTP每次开机自动启动,运行命令: “chkconfig --level 35 vsftpd on”
A. 编辑VSFTP配置文件,运行命令:”vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf “
B. 将配置文件中”anonymous_enable=YES “改为 “anonymous_enable=NO”
C. 保存修改,按ESC键,运行命令:“:wq”这样关闭了匿名登录功能。
A. 登录Linux主机后,运行命令:”useradd ftpadmin -s /sbin/nologin “。该账户路径默认指向/home/ftpadmin目录;如果需要将用户指向其他目录,请运行命令:useradd ftpadmin -s /sbin/nologin –d /www(其他目录)
B. 设置ftpadmin用户密码,运行命令:”passwd ftpadmin” ; 输入两次密码,匹配成功后,就设置好了ftpadmin用户的密码了。
C.测试连接,您可以在“我的电脑”地址栏中输入 ftp://IP 来连接FTP服务器,根据提示输入账户密码。
1、 启动VSFTP服务器
A:cenos下运行:yum install vsftpd
B. 登录Linux主机后,运行命令:”service vsftpd start”
C. 要让FTP每次开机自动启动,运行命令: “chkconfig --level 35 vsftpd on”
A. 编辑VSFTP配置文件,运行命令:”vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf “
B. 将配置文件中”anonymous_enable=YES “改为 “anonymous_enable=NO”
C. 保存修改,按ESC键,运行命令:“:wq”这样关闭了匿名登录功能。
A. 登录Linux主机后,运行命令:”useradd ftpadmin -s /sbin/nologin “。该账户路径默认指向/home/ftpadmin目录;如果需要将用户指向其他目录,请运行命令:useradd ftpadmin -s /sbin/nologin –d /www(其他目录)
B. 设置ftpadmin用户密码,运行命令:”passwd ftpadmin” ; 输入两次密码,匹配成功后,就设置好了ftpadmin用户的密码了。
C.测试连接,您可以在“我的电脑”地址栏中输入 ftp://IP 来连接FTP服务器,根据提示输入账户密码。
2024-10-28 广告
2024-10-28 广告