1.Put the learner at ease,relieve the tension.
2.Explain why he or she is being taught.
3.Create interest,encourage questions,find out what the learner already knows about his or her other jobs.
4.Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows.
5.Place the learner as close to the normal working position as possible.
6.Familiarize the worker with the equipment,materials,tools and trade terms.
7.Explain quantity and quality requirements.
8.Go through the job at a slow pace several times.Explain each step.Between operations,explain the difficult parts or those in which errors are likely to be made.
9.Again go through the job at a slow pace several times and explain the key points.
10.Have the learner explain the steps as you go through the job at a slow pace.
11.Have the learner go through the job several times,slowly,explaining to you each step.
12.Correct mistakes and if necessary,do some of the complicated steps the first few times.
13.Trainer run the job at the normal pace.
14.Have the learner do the job,gradually building up skill and speed.
15.As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do the job,let the work begin,but don't abandon him.
16.Designate to whom the learner should go for help if he or she needs it.
17.Gradually decrease supervision,checking work from time to time of the quality and quantity standards.
18.Correct faulty work patterns that begin to creep into the work,and do it before they become habit,show why the learned method is superior.
19.Compliment good work,encourage the worker until he or she is able to meet the quality quantity standards. 展开
2.Explain why he or she is being taught.
3.Create interest,encourage questions,find out what the learner already knows about his or her other jobs.
4.Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows.
5.Place the learner as close to the normal working position as possible.
6.Familiarize the worker with the equipment,materials,tools and trade terms.
7.Explain quantity and quality requirements.
8.Go through the job at a slow pace several times.Explain each step.Between operations,explain the difficult parts or those in which errors are likely to be made.
9.Again go through the job at a slow pace several times and explain the key points.
10.Have the learner explain the steps as you go through the job at a slow pace.
11.Have the learner go through the job several times,slowly,explaining to you each step.
12.Correct mistakes and if necessary,do some of the complicated steps the first few times.
13.Trainer run the job at the normal pace.
14.Have the learner do the job,gradually building up skill and speed.
15.As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do the job,let the work begin,but don't abandon him.
16.Designate to whom the learner should go for help if he or she needs it.
17.Gradually decrease supervision,checking work from time to time of the quality and quantity standards.
18.Correct faulty work patterns that begin to creep into the work,and do it before they become habit,show why the learned method is superior.
19.Compliment good work,encourage the worker until he or she is able to meet the quality quantity standards. 展开
1.Put the learner at ease,relieve the tension.帮助学员放松情绪,告知他们无需紧张。
2.Explain why he or she is being taught.向学员解释他来学习的原因。
3.Create interest,encourage questions,find out what the learner already knows about his or her other jobs.提出些有趣的、能鼓励学员的问题,以便可以知道学员对他要做的工作的了解程度。
4.Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows.向学员解释工作的全部内容,可将这份工作与一些学员了解的工作职位做个比较。
5.Place the learner as close to the normal working position as possible.尽可能让学员在最类似于工作环境的条件下作业和操作。
6.Familiarize the worker with the equipment,materials,tools and trade terms.让学员亲自操作实习设备,原料,以及工作中的各种条款。
7.Explain quantity and quality requirements.告知他们产品质量与数量的要求。
8.Go through the job at a slow pace several times.Explain each step.Between operations,explain the difficult parts or those in which errors are likely to be made.先来慢慢操作几次完整的作业流程。详细跟他们解释每一个步骤。同时作业期间跟学员详细解释其中的复杂环节,或者其中容易出错的环节。
9.Again go through the job at a slow pace several times and explain the key points.再重复上一步的内容,让学员们完整作业一边并向他们解释清楚其中的关键环节。
10.Have the learner explain the steps as you go through the job at a slow pace.慢速操作学习过程中可让学员自己陈述出具体的作业步骤。
11.Have the learner go through the job several times,slowly,explaining to you each step.让学员独立完成一边作业,并向你汇报其中的各个环节。
12.Correct mistakes and if necessary,do some of the complicated steps the first few times.如果出现错误,改正他们的错误操作;如有需要可提前练习其中一些较复杂的环节。
13.Trainer run the job at the normal pace.尝试让学员在正常速度下作业。
14.Have the learner do the job,gradually building up skill and speed.逐步加快学员作业的速度,这同时也能锻炼出他们的熟练技巧。
15.As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do the job,let the work begin,but don't abandon him.一旦学员可以胜任这份工作,就可以立即投入正式作业。
16.Designate to whom the learner should go for help if he or she needs it.告知学员他需要去协助的同伴,在同伴有需要的前提下。
17.Gradually decrease supervision,checking work from time to time of the quality and quantity standards.逐步降低监管力,可隔一段时间检查一次产品的质量与产能。
18.Correct faulty work patterns that begin to creep into the work,and do it before they become habit,show why the learned method is superior.及时纠正不良品,以防不良大量产出;告知学员根据标准操作的重要性。
19.Compliment good work,encourage the worker until he or she is able to meet the quality quantity standards.优良品生产出来时要表扬学员,鼓励大家努力学习,直到达成最好的标准。
2.Explain why he or she is being taught.向学员解释他来学习的原因。
3.Create interest,encourage questions,find out what the learner already knows about his or her other jobs.提出些有趣的、能鼓励学员的问题,以便可以知道学员对他要做的工作的了解程度。
4.Explain the whole job and relate it to some job the worker already knows.向学员解释工作的全部内容,可将这份工作与一些学员了解的工作职位做个比较。
5.Place the learner as close to the normal working position as possible.尽可能让学员在最类似于工作环境的条件下作业和操作。
6.Familiarize the worker with the equipment,materials,tools and trade terms.让学员亲自操作实习设备,原料,以及工作中的各种条款。
7.Explain quantity and quality requirements.告知他们产品质量与数量的要求。
8.Go through the job at a slow pace several times.Explain each step.Between operations,explain the difficult parts or those in which errors are likely to be made.先来慢慢操作几次完整的作业流程。详细跟他们解释每一个步骤。同时作业期间跟学员详细解释其中的复杂环节,或者其中容易出错的环节。
9.Again go through the job at a slow pace several times and explain the key points.再重复上一步的内容,让学员们完整作业一边并向他们解释清楚其中的关键环节。
10.Have the learner explain the steps as you go through the job at a slow pace.慢速操作学习过程中可让学员自己陈述出具体的作业步骤。
11.Have the learner go through the job several times,slowly,explaining to you each step.让学员独立完成一边作业,并向你汇报其中的各个环节。
12.Correct mistakes and if necessary,do some of the complicated steps the first few times.如果出现错误,改正他们的错误操作;如有需要可提前练习其中一些较复杂的环节。
13.Trainer run the job at the normal pace.尝试让学员在正常速度下作业。
14.Have the learner do the job,gradually building up skill and speed.逐步加快学员作业的速度,这同时也能锻炼出他们的熟练技巧。
15.As soon as the learner demonstrates ability to do the job,let the work begin,but don't abandon him.一旦学员可以胜任这份工作,就可以立即投入正式作业。
16.Designate to whom the learner should go for help if he or she needs it.告知学员他需要去协助的同伴,在同伴有需要的前提下。
17.Gradually decrease supervision,checking work from time to time of the quality and quantity standards.逐步降低监管力,可隔一段时间检查一次产品的质量与产能。
18.Correct faulty work patterns that begin to creep into the work,and do it before they become habit,show why the learned method is superior.及时纠正不良品,以防不良大量产出;告知学员根据标准操作的重要性。
19.Compliment good work,encourage the worker until he or she is able to meet the quality quantity standards.优良品生产出来时要表扬学员,鼓励大家努力学习,直到达成最好的标准。