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关于哈姆雷特拖延复仇的原因之争论,目前大致可以分为三类:即内因论、外因论和综合论。内因论是从主人公的性格或思想上着手分析;外因论则从主人公所处的客观环境去发掘;综合论认为... 关于哈姆雷特拖延复仇的原因之争论,目前大致可以分为三类:即内因论、外因论和综合论。内因论是从主人公的性格或思想上着手分析;外因论则从主人公所处的客观环境去发掘;综合论认为应将上述两说进行综合分析。专注哈姆雷特性格的“心理派”理论认为,哈姆雷恃拖延复仇的主要原因是他自我矛盾的忧郁性格所致。哈姆雷特的命运和无法消除的内心矛盾时刻缠绕着他:他的遭遇和处境、他对复仇任务的反应、为父报仇及“整好时代”——装疯和耍疯、无穷的忧郁和一再地拖延(几大段独白)、他最后的表现——一定的平静(意识到命运与必然)和无限悲苦中的荣誉感。哈姆雷特的性格和精神是斑驳复杂的:他具有崇高的理想和责任感、却又是个注定不能实现他理想的“理想主义者”;他看上去既能行动、又不能行动;既要行动的时机、又放过了难得的机会;他深爱过奥菲利娅、又对她极其严酷; 他厌恶生命、却又向往人生的作为和美好;他既不能迅速复仇、又不能理解自己为何拖延复仇,每当他想到复仇义务时,他就一再强烈地却又总是无效地谴责自己。
“心理性格”理论是哈姆雷特拖延复仇内因论的核心。相关的拖延复仇原因的解释有17 种。文化伟人歌德认为:哈姆雷特拖延复仇的原因在于性格太软、难当大任;A•W•史雷格尔和柯尔律治认为:哈姆雷特过分地沉思损害了行动,或者心灵总被内在世界占据,失去了对外界事物的真实感;别林斯基的看法是:哈姆雷特正经历精神发展过程的中间的或分裂矛盾的阶段;A•C•布拉德雷持下述观点:不幸的命运强加于哈姆雷特的病态的忧郁是其障碍,良心问题使他不能行动;L•C•奈茨主张:哈姆雷特的意识已被腐蚀到不能肯定什么的程度;萨拉瓦多•德•玛达雷戈的观点为:哈姆雷特是一个无情的自我中心主义者,除他自己之外,他不关心任何人与事;伊撒克•罗艾觉得:按病理学诊断,哈姆雷特完全是疯了;恩奈斯特•琼•恩斯以为: 按弗洛伊德心理学分析,哈姆雷特患了男孩亲母的奥狄浦斯情结,其心思并未放在复仇上。与内因论及心理性格派理论对立的是外因论的解释:即哈姆雷特和外部世界的矛盾冲突以及各种客观因素是他拖延复仇的主要原因。以普劳曼、瑞特逊、克兰和威尔德等为代表的学者们认为,由于外部条件对哈姆雷特不利, 如当时克劳狄势力很强大,且此人又很狡猾阴险,使哈姆雷特在没有确切无疑的证据时不能贸然行动;还有的学者主张从社会历史和其时代局限性的角度来考察这一问题,他们援引了主人公在第一幕第五场的结束语:“这是一个颠倒混乱的时代,唉,倒媚的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任..”以此说明“一件伟大的事业担负在一个不能胜任的人身上,..这重担他既不能肩起,也不能放下”。这一主张的代表者有歌德多顿和阿尼克斯特等人。目前较有影响的则是综合论派理论。这一理论的评论家认为,只从主观上或客观上分别去寻找哈姆雷特拖延复仇的原因都各有其价值,但两者都难免失之偏颇。
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2010-12-08 · TA获得超过692个赞
Hamlet revenge on the reasons for delay in the debate, the current can be divided into three categories: the internal theory and integrated theory of external causes. Internal factors of hero character from the start or ideological analysis; external causes of the hero from the objective environment in which to explore; comprehensive theory that should be a comprehensive analysis of the two said. Focus on the character of Hamlet "psychological school" theory holds that the main reason for revenge, Hamlet relies delay self-contradiction of his character caused by depression. The fate of Hamlet's inner conflicts and can not eliminate the time haunted him: his experience and situation, his reaction to the task of revenge, to avenge his father and "the whole Good Time" - faking his illness and playing crazy, endless depression and repeatedly delay (a few big monologue), his last performance - a certain degree of calm (aware of the fate and necessity) and infinite misery in the sense of honor. Hamlet's character and spirit of the mottled complex: He has high ideals and sense of responsibility, but is not destined to achieve his ideal of the "idealist"; He looks both actions, and can not move; only time to act, and let a rare opportunity; he had loved Ophelia, but also very harsh on her; his aversion to life, but as a longing for life and good; he could neither quick revenge, they can not understand why the delay in his revenge Whenever he thought of revenge obligations, but he again strongly condemned himself always invalid.
"Psychological personality" theory of Hamlet, Revenge of the internal core. Reasons for the delay related to the interpretation of revenge 17. Cultural great Goethe said: Revenge of Hamlet delay because the character is too soft, harder and harder to Daren; A • W • Shileigeer and Coleridge said: Hamlet damages action over contemplation, or the inner world of the mind was always occupied lost sense of reality of external things; Belinsky view is: Hamlet is going through the process of spiritual development in the middle of the stage of conflict or division; A • C • Bradley held the following view: Unfortunately, the fate of the imposed Hamlet's morbid depression is the disorder, conscience so that he can not move; L • C • Knights claim: Hamlet's awareness has been eroded to the extent of what can not be sure; Sa Lawa and more • Germany • Mada view McGregor To: Hamlet is a ruthless self-centered, in addition to his outside, he did not care about anyone with something; Isaac • Luoyi think: according to pathological diagnosis, Hamlet is completely mad; Ennaisite • Joan • Burns thought: Psychological Analysis by Sigmund Freud, Hamlet's own mother suffering from the boy Oedipus complex, not on revenge on its mind. Deals with the internal psychological personality school of thought is the opposite of the interpretation of external factors: the Hamlet and the outside world conflict and a variety of objective factors is the main reason for his delay in revenge. To Pulao Man, Reiter Johnson, as the representative of Ukraine and Weald scholars say that because of unfavorable external conditions on Hamlet as Claudius forces were very powerful, and very cunning and insidious this person, so that Hamlet No doubt there is no definite evidence can not act without; Some scholars advocate and social history from the perspective of the limitations of his time to examine this issue, they invoked the fifth in the first act the hero's concluding remarks: "This is a reverse confusion the times, alas, I have to take down pro re-break responsibility .. "as an example of" a great cause, can not be responsible for a competent person, .. this heavy burden that he can neither Jian Qi, also can not be put down. " Representative of the claims are more than Goethe Dayton and Alnwick Manchester et al. At present, more influential school of thought is integrated on. Critics of this theory that only subjectively or objectively, respectively, to find the cause of Hamlet Revenge all have their value, but both are inevitably biased.
2010-12-07 · 超过26用户采纳过TA的回答
About the reasons why Hamlet delay revenge debate, current can be roughly classified into three kinds: namely internal theory, WaiYinLun and comprehensive theory. Internal theory from the character of the hero or thoughts on begin analysis; WaiYinLun criterion from hero the objective environment to explore, Comprehensive theory should be said that the above two analysis. Focus Hamlet character "psychological sent" theory considers that the ham ray relies on delaying revenge is the main cause of his inconsistencies of melancholy character be caused by. Hamlet's fate and cannot eliminate the inner conflict moment entwined with him: his misfortune and situation, he to revenge task for the father of reaction, and the era of "revenge" - pretend crazy and play crazy, boundless melancholy and repeatedly delay (a few long monologue), his last performance - must be calm (aware of fate and inevitable) and the infinite bitterness of honor. Hamlet's personality and spirit is mottled complex: he has a lofty ideal and sense of responsibility, but again is destined not to realize his ideal idealist ";" He looks can action, and cannot move, Both the timing of the move, and spared the rare opportunity, He loved ophelia, again to her was extremely brutal, He hates life, but yearned for life as and sweet, He could neither quickly revenge, and can't understand why you delay revenge, whenever he thought of revenge duty, he has repeatedly strongly but again always invalid to condemn yourself.

"Psychological character" theory is Hamlet delay theory of revenge internal core. Relevant delaying revenge reason explanation has 17. Cultural great Goethe think: Hamlet delay revenge because character too soft, second-hand bigness, A, w. ShiLeiGe hucknall and Coleridge think: Hamlet excessively meditation damage the action, or mind always be the inner world occupy, lose the right things outside of realism, BieLinSiJi opinion is: Hamlet is experiencing spirit of the development process of middle or split contradiction phase, A, C, Bradley hold the following ideas: unlucky fate imposed on Hamlet's morbid depression is the obstacle, conscience problem so that he can't action; L, cristiano nai Bates proposition: Hamlet consciousness has been corrosion to what degree not sure, Sarah WaDuo DE da LeiGe views for manasseh: Hamlet is a ruthless egalitarians, except his themselves, he doesn't care about anyone with things, Iraq and LuoYi think: press gram, histopathologic diagnosis, Hamlet is completely crazy; Grace nast started, Joan, grace, thought: according to Freud's psychoanalysis, Hamlet had boy mothers Oedipus complex, its mind did not put in revenge. With internal deals with psychological character pie theory opposing is WaiYinLun explanation: namely Hamlet and the external world of conflicts and various objective factors is the main cause of delay his revenge. To PuLao mann, rhett Hudson, gram Abram and will DE represented by scholars think, due to external conditions of Hamlet was claudius, such as adverse sardis forces are very strong, and he is very cunning sinister, make Hamlet in no exact undoubtedly evidence of must be careful not to act; And scholars advocate from social history and its age limitation perspective of this problem, they invoked the protagonist in the first act game 5 of the last word: "this is a topsy-turvy chaotic era, alas, pour mei: but I will take the reforming course responsibility.." In order to explain that "a great career take in a incompetent person,.. this burden he can neither shoulder up, also can't let go." The claim of representatives have Goethe's and more o knicks bazant. Currently influential is integrated theory pie theory. This theory of critics, only from subjectively or objectively respectively to look for reasons of Hamlet delay revenge each has its value, but both unavoidably biased.
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About the reasons why Hamlet delay revenge debate, current can be roughly classified into three kinds: namely internal theory, WaiYinLun and comprehensive theory. Internal theory from the character of the hero or thoughts on begin analysis; WaiYinLun criterion from hero the objective environment to explore, Comprehensive theory should be said that the above two analysis. Focus Hamlet character "psychological sent" theory considers that the ham ray relies on delaying revenge is the main cause of his inconsistencies of melancholy character be caused by. Hamlet's fate and cannot eliminate the inner conflict moment entwined with him: his misfortune and situation, he to revenge task for the father of reaction, and the era of "revenge" - pretend crazy and play crazy, boundless melancholy and repeatedly delay (a few long monologue), his last performance - must be calm (aware of fate and inevitable) and the infinite bitterness of honor. Hamlet's personality and spirit is mottled complex: he has a lofty ideal and sense of responsibility, but again is destined not to realize his ideal idealist ";" He looks can action, and cannot move, Both the timing of the move, and spared the rare opportunity, He loved ophelia, again to her was extremely brutal, He hates life, but yearned for life as and sweet, He could neither quickly revenge, and can't understand why you delay revenge, whenever he thought of revenge duty, he has repeatedly strongly but again always invalid to condemn yourself.
"Psychological character" theory is Hamlet delay theory of revenge internal core. Relevant delaying revenge reason explanation has 17. Cultural great Goethe think: Hamlet delay revenge because character too soft, second-hand bigness, A, w. ShiLeiGe hucknall and Coleridge think: Hamlet excessively meditation damage the action, or mind always be the inner world occupy, lose the right things outside of realism, BieLinSiJi opinion is: Hamlet is experiencing spirit of the development process of middle or split contradiction phase, A, C, Bradley hold the following ideas: unlucky fate imposed on Hamlet's morbid depression is the obstacle, conscience problem so that he can't action; L, cristiano nai Bates proposition: Hamlet consciousness has been corrosion to what degree not sure, Sarah WaDuo DE da LeiGe views for manasseh: Hamlet is a ruthless egalitarians, except his themselves, he doesn't care about anyone with things, Iraq and LuoYi think: press gram, histopathologic diagnosis, Hamlet is completely crazy; Grace nast started, Joan, grace, thought: according to Freud's psychoanalysis, Hamlet had boy mothers Oedipus complex, its mind did not put in revenge. With internal deals with psychological character pie theory opposing is WaiYinLun explanation: namely Hamlet and the external world of conflicts and various objective factors is the main cause of delay his revenge. To PuLao mann, rhett Hudson, gram Abram and will DE represented by scholars think, due to external conditions of Hamlet was claudius, such as adverse sardis forces are very strong, and he is very cunning sinister, make Hamlet in no exact undoubtedly evidence of must be careful not to act; And scholars advocate from social history and its age limitation perspective of this problem, they invoked the protagonist in the first act game 5 of the last word: "this is a topsy-turvy chaotic era, alas, pour mei: but I will take the reforming course responsibility.." In order to explain that "a great career take in a incompetent person,.. this burden he can neither shoulder up, also can't let go." The claim of representatives have Goethe's and more o knicks bazant. Currently influential is integrated theory pie theory. This theory of critics, only from subjectively or objectively respectively to look for reasons of Hamlet delay revenge each has its value, but both unavoidably biased. 。。。
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2010-12-07 · TA获得超过633个赞
About the reasons why Hamlet delay revenge debate, current can be roughly classified into three kinds: namely internal theory, WaiYinLun and comprehensive theory. Internal theory from the character of the hero or thoughts on begin analysis; WaiYinLun criterion from hero the objective environment to explore, Comprehensive theory should be said that the above two analysis. Focus Hamlet character "psychological sent" theory considers that the ham ray relies on delaying revenge is the main cause of his inconsistencies of melancholy character be caused by. Hamlet's fate and cannot eliminate the inner conflict moment entwined with him: his misfortune and situation, he to revenge task for the father of reaction, and the era of "revenge" - pretend crazy and play crazy, boundless melancholy and repeatedly delay (a few long monologue), his last performance - must be calm (aware of fate and inevitable) and the infinite bitterness of honor. Hamlet's personality and spirit is mottled complex: he has a lofty ideal and sense of responsibility, but again is destined not to realize his ideal idealist ";" He looks can action, and cannot move, Both the timing of the move, and spared the rare opportunity, He loved ophelia, again to her was extremely brutal, He hates life, but yearned for life as and sweet, He could neither quickly revenge, and can't understand why you delay revenge, whenever he thought of revenge duty, he has repeatedly strongly but again always invalid to condemn yourself.

"Psychological character" theory is Hamlet delay theory of revenge internal core. Relevant delaying revenge reason explanation has 17. Cultural great Goethe think: Hamlet delay revenge because character too soft, second-hand bigness, A, w. ShiLeiGe hucknall and Coleridge think: Hamlet excessively meditation damage the action, or mind always be the inner world occupy, lose the right things outside of realism, BieLinSiJi opinion is: Hamlet is experiencing spirit of the development process of middle or split contradiction phase, A, C, Bradley hold the following ideas: unlucky fate imposed on Hamlet's morbid depression is the obstacle, conscience problem so that he can't action; L, cristiano nai Bates proposition: Hamlet consciousness has been corrosion to what degree not sure, Sarah WaDuo DE da LeiGe views for manasseh: Hamlet is a ruthless egalitarians, except his themselves, he doesn't care about anyone with things, Iraq and LuoYi think: press gram, histopathologic diagnosis, Hamlet is completely crazy; Grace nast started, Joan, grace, thought: according to Freud's psychoanalysis, Hamlet had boy mothers Oedipus complex, its mind did not put in revenge. With internal deals with psychological character pie theory opposing is WaiYinLun explanation: namely Hamlet and the external world of conflicts and various objective factors is the main cause of delay his revenge. To PuLao mann, rhett Hudson, gram Abram and will DE represented by scholars think, due to external conditions of Hamlet was claudius, such as adverse sardis forces are very strong, and he is very cunning sinister, make Hamlet in no exact undoubtedly evidence of must be careful not to act; And scholars advocate from social history and its age limitation perspective of this problem, they invoked the protagonist in the first act game 5 of the last word: "this is a topsy-turvy chaotic era, alas, pour mei: but I will take the reforming course responsibility.." In order to explain that "a great career take in a incompetent person,.. this burden he can neither shoulder up, also can't let go." The claim of representatives have Goethe's and more o knicks bazant. Currently influential is integrated theory pie theory. This theory of critics, only from subjectively or objectively respectively to look for reasons of Hamlet delay revenge each has its value, but both unavoidably biased.
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