syntax error:at bad,expected的翻译是:什么意思
“syntax error:at bad,expected”是“语法错误:在坏,预期”
1、syntax error 语法错误
注释(comment):代码中附加的注解信息,用于帮助其他程序员阅读代码,并不影响程序的运行。 语法错误(syntax error):程序中的一种错误,导致它无法进行语法解析(因此也无法被解释器执行)。 异常(exception):程序运行中发现的错误。
It finds one syntax error at a time, so you have to be a little patient to do it, but you can checkthat the syntax is right.
Invariably, I open the document and find an obvious syntax error such as an empty tag without the closing slash (it should look like this: ).
毫无例外的,我打开文档后总能找到明显的语法错误,比如没有反斜杠的空标签(应该是这样: )。
Holding the mouse pointer over a syntax error like this brings up a hover tip describing the problem; in this case, it indicates that it is an incomplete statement requiring a semicolon.
In this case it says, this is a syntax error, and it's actually highlighting where it came from so I can go back and fix it.