
演讲的主题为:“低碳生活快乐你我”参加演讲不会使用大家提供的原文,只是希望从大家提供的演讲稿或材料中提取一些内容。希望大家可以帮忙!... 演讲的主题为:“低碳生活 快乐你我”

2010-12-11 · TA获得超过910个赞
1 and less with paper towel, regain8 handkerchief, protect forests, low carbon life.
2, each paper are double-sided printing, equivalent to retain half piece originally will be cut off our forests.
3, the lights on, switch, pull plug, this is the first step, and personal accomplishment performance; Don't sit elevator climb stairs, save everyone's electricity, in exchange for his health.
4, green is not only to the suburb of some flowers and plants, trees at home, also need not same can drive;
5, yes, a plastic bag 5 cents, but it caused pollution probably is 50 cents 50 times,
6 and the perfect bathroom; not necessarily must have a bath crock Has set up, not every time use; Has been used up, please use water to flush the toilet,
7, turn off unused computer programs, reduce the hard disk workload, already save electricity and maintenance of your computer,
8, want to avoid car speaking, bike commuters who do not worry about oil prices rose, two not afraid weight rises,
9, not necessary a door open, the whole lighting electric human inventions since but 130, before the thousands of years also too well,
10, considering the bus for his contribution to the world environment, at least can offset part in their own cars bring superiority,
11, please believe, obsessed with PI cao that was just a reverse fathers urges,
12, may think so, warming part is due to excessive use of air conditioning \ heating retaliation,
13, less as far as possible use one-off toothbrush, disposable plastic bags, disposable cups... Because they use oil manufacturing is one-off,
14 and if you know some western ocean museum Chinese production shark fin cans, still can have such a good appetite finning sludge meal;?
15, not necessarily annatto and leather can manifest home taste; Suggest using bamboo furniture, because bamboo trees grow faster than,
16, actually this kind of environmental protection and energy use solar energy, the easiest way is to put work made during the day,
17, excess meat at least three: the animal, to hurt yourself and earth,
18, wedding ceremony not you suppress foot 28 years strength throw of face, more not scrape accumulated PK. Now contracted, low carbon only is sweet civilized attachment value;
19, think faucet the largest open to vegetables washed dish more clean, that's just psychological effect;
20, can seriously argue, clothes saved enough a barrel to wash not because lazy, but to save water and electricity,
21 and the child from the baby to preschool, raise tariffs indeed many, some toys, clothes, books with second-hand good,
22, if traffic team is too long, or first pooped out, calmly wait now:
24, such period check tyre pressure, tolerance is too low or too foot will increase fuel consumption,
25 and regular cleaning air conditioning, not only for health, still can preserve less electricity,
26 and general vehicle # 93 oil is enough, blindly use # 97 be wasteoil, wound engine,
27, with husband into the driver learning how to use less fuel-efficient: nasty cha, the throttle sent, by inertia slide past,
28, some people, especially women, bath with off forty or fifty premium, cleanliness also need not so exaggeration,
29 and scientifically thrift is fine tradition, Leftovers cools, using keeping-fresh package well and then sent into the fridge, Hot gas not only, still can add refrigerator work frosting, dual use very much power,
30, actually air conditioning according to the machine design, waterproof demand to wear it in the coat, it will only reduce heat efficiency, of course, use very much power,
31, washing powder and wash out how many ability bubble without necessary relation between, and low foam detergent powder less than high bubble rinse several times, water saving province electricity saves time,
32, washing machine open stronger than open file weak gear electricity -saving, still can extend lifespan; machine
33, television in standby power consumption for its general under boot power 10% the left and right sides, this account is up to return true not too small,
34, listen to music, if only use computer monitors can only dim, or off the;
35, if hot water with much, might as well let the water heater always electrify moisturizing, because moisturizing day used electricity, than a box of cool water burn the same temperature is still lower;
36, clean equally a car, with the bucket water scrubbing just use faucet rinse water consumption 1/8,
37, can put the toilet water tank in the float down 2 centimeters, year can save four cubic water;
38, establishing save file, the monthly consumption of water and electricity gas also write record-keeping, accomplish know fairly well,
39, buy appliances see energy-saving index, this is the most simple but method,
40, experimental proof, fire water in most province breath;
41, 10 years ago litter battery can can is ignorant, now is completely irresponsible,
42, take regular chopsticks or spoon, is already a tag environmentalists,
43, refrigerator storage capacity to account the quantity of food 80% of advisable, put too much or too little, use very much power,
44, open short will also is a kind of save - lighting, air conditioning, acoustics, etc.
45, nothing to get out, "otaku" is very use very much power,
46, not necessary, try to buy local, seasonal products, transportation and packing more often than producing energy consumption;
47, planting trees for your co2 buried sheet, how many, absorb much; row
48, cotton, linen clothes more and silk, not only environmental protection, fashion and elegant, durable,
49, drying really necessary? Or let your clothes; the sun in!
50, the United States has statistics show that: divorce after the per capita resource consumption is higher than before a divorce - 61 percent, let us 42% with marriage protect the earth!




也许你会说,低碳生活离我们学生的生活还很遥远,其实不然,低碳生活就在我们身边。比如:有些学生家里电灯彻夜不熄、水龙头滴水不停、冰箱里塞满了乱七八糟的东西、夏天整日地开着空调,这些显然都是对社会资源的极大浪费。你可知道:每节约1度电, 就能减少1公斤二氧化碳排放,夏季空调调高一度, 就可节省10%的能耗;用节能灯替换白炽灯, 产生的温室气体将减少4倍。低碳生活就是让我们养成自然而然地节约身边各种资源的习惯——节能就是最大的减碳!


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