
用英语组成一篇对话,要求是求职方面的内容。字数越多越好,谢谢!... 用英语组成一篇对话,要求是求职方面的内容。字数越多越好,谢谢! 展开
六个经典的英语面试问题2007-6-1 16:28:52  来源:牛津管理评论  作者:未知【留言】 【打印】 【关闭】 复制网址,把文章推荐给朋友 First One: Work experience

work experience is the type of work you’ve done in the past. If you haven’t started working yet you can say Right now I’m still a student. or I’m a recent grad and Ihaven’t started working yet. In the second sentence, recent grad is short for recent graduate and means that you have just finished school.

请告诉我你过去的工作经验,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I’m still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I’m a recent grad and I haven’t started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。

Second One: What’s your greatest weakness?

This is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous! In fact, they ask this to know how you respond to a difficult question. You shouldn’t answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job! Instead, you can tell them something that isn’t directly related to the job position.


Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?

This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit. You should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe wasn’t included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.


Fourth One: What kind of salary did you have in mind?

Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year. When asked this, it’s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure. This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.


Fifth One: If hired, when could you start work?

When answering this it’s best not to say you can start right away. This might make you seem very desperate for a job. A safe answer would be I can start at the beginning of next month.

如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“I can start at the beginning of next month.”(我下月初可以开始上班。)

Sixth One: What kind of work does the posi-tion involve?

You can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you’ll be doing.

(A=Applicant I=Interviewer)
Dialogue 1
I: Tell me about yourself.
A: I was born and raised in Beijing. I attended Peking University and received my bachelor抯 degree in Economics. I have worked for 2 years as a financial consultant in Beijing for China Pacific Insurance Co. Ltd. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time and learning foreign languages.
I: What type of position are you looking for?
A: I抦 looking for a position in which I can utilize my experience.
I: Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
A: I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-time position.
I: Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
A: I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.
I: What is your greatest strength?
A: I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.
I: What is your greatest weakness?
A: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I began setting time-limits for myself.
I: Why do you want to work for our company?
A: After following your firm抯 progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that your company is becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be a part of that team.
I: When can you begin?
A: Immediately.
I: 说说你的情况吧。
A: 我出生于北京,并在那里长大。我考入北京大学,获得了经济学学士学位。 我在中国太平洋保险股份有限公司做了两年的金融顾问。我喜欢在空闲时间打网球和学外语。
I: 你想找份什么样的工作?
A: 我想找个能充分发挥我工作经验的工作。
I: 你想做全职还是兼职?
A: 我倾向于做全职,不过,我也会考虑兼职的。
I: 你能说说你前一份工作的主要职责吗?
A: 我为顾客的金融事务提供咨询。当我和顾客商讨之后,我就填完一份顾客咨询表,并把有关信息按目录输入数据库。然后我和同事一起为顾客精心准备尽可能最好的一揽子计划, 顾客会收到一份我根据他们的金融行为按季度作出的简报。
I: 你最大的优点是什么?
A: 我非常善于和人沟通,人们信任我,来我这里征求建议。有一天下午,我的同事碰到了一个棘手的顾客,他感觉服务不周到。我给顾客冲了一杯咖啡,并请我的同事和顾客到我办公室,在那里我们把问题解决了。
I: 你最大的缺点是什么?
A: 我为了确保顾客满意,经常要花费很多时间。不过,我开始为自己定了时间限制。
I: 你为什么要来我们公司工作?
A: 我关注贵公司的发展已经三年了,我相信贵公司必将成为市场的主导者之一,我非常希望成为其中一员。
I: 你何时能开始工作?
A: 马上就可以。

Dialogue 2
I: Please tell me something about your insurance background.
A: I majored in international banking at college so I took many insurance courses. And I worked at an insurance company for my graduation field work.
I: Why do you want to be an insurance agent?
A: I care about people and I know the importance of insurance.
I: Do you have any work experience in promotion?
A: Yes, I do. I have worked as a salesman for P&G Company Ltd.
I: Do people respond well to you?
A: Yes, I抦 good with people.
I: 请讲讲你在保险行业的从业经验。
A: 我大学时主修国际银行业务,所以我学了许多保险课程, 并且我在一家保险公司进行了我的毕业设计。
I: 你为什么想成为一名保险代理人?
A: 我关心别人,我知道保险的重要性。
I: 你有过促销的工作经验吗?
A: 有,我在宝洁公司做过促销员。
I: 别人对你的评价好吗?
A: 我和大家相处很好。
consulant 顾问,咨询者 utilize 利用
catalogue 按目录分类 package 一揽子交易
troublesome 棘手的,麻烦的 promotion 促销

主要的保险品种有:automobile insurance(汽车保险)、life insurance(人寿保险)、health insurance(健康保险)、business insurance(商业保险)和travel insurance(旅游保险)。
1) I have worked for 2 years as a financial consultant for
China Pacific Insurance Co. Ltd.
Ping An Insurance Company of China
The People抯 Insurance Company of China

我为 中国太平洋保险公司 作了两年的金融顾问。
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A: Hello!

  B: Hello! Glad to meet you.

  A: Tell me something about yourself, please.

  B: My name is Wan Mei and I live in Guangzhou. I was born in 1978. I am a student of Jinan University. I have majored in Public Administration. I like travelling very much and enjoy sports. I am in the tennis club at my university.

  A: Your application form says you were out of school for half a year during high school. What was the reason? Were you ill?

  B: Oh, no. My father's job took him to America for six months then, and he decided to take the whole family along.

  A: So during that time you went to high school in the United States?

  B: Yes, it was just for a few months, but attended Johnson High School in Chicago.

  A: There was a year between the time you graduated from high school and entered the university. What were you doing during that time?

  B: I spent a year doing things a person doesn't have time for. I traveled several countries.

  A: Do you think you are more outward-looking or more inward-looking?

  B: Well, something I want to be by myself, but most of the time I prefer being with a group of people, so I guess you'd may I am rather outgoing. I was really very active in my university club.

  A: What would you say are some of your strong and weak points?

  B: Well, I suppose a strong point of mine is that I like developing new things and ideas. But I am afraid I am a poor talker and that isn't very good, so I've been studying how to speak in public.

  A: Do you have any people you'd call really close friends?

  B: Not too many, but not too few, either, I suppose. There are six people that I see quite often now. They're all my good friends.

  A: What kind of sports do you like? And do you watch or play?

  B: I like both watching and playing. And I enjoy almost all sports, but I especially like tennis. I was in the tennis club all through high school, so particularly in the case of tennis I prefer doing to watching.

  A: What kind of books do you like?

  B: I like biographics. It's intersting to read about the backgrounds of people who have become famous, and see what I can learn from their lives.

  A: Who is your favorite writer?

  B: I like the novels of Charles Dickens very much. I've read almost all of them in the original.

  A: Can you name one person that you respect very much?

  B: My English teacher at college. He has so much humour and vitality, and I am very impressed with his tactfulness. He can make a person see the contradictions in his thinking without making him feel foolish. I've learned a lot from watching the way he applies himself to his teaching, and how he leads people to seeing things.

  A: What basic principles do you apply to your life?

  B: Not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. I feel that time gives away very easily —— you think you have it, and it is gone quickly! Putting things off just makes it worse later. So even if it is hard at the time, I try to get things done that day and not leave them till the next day.

  A: Tell me why you are interested in working for this company, will you?

  B: I think working in this company would give me the best oppotunity to use what I've learned at college, studying public administration for four years. I think this company has a great future and I'll be able to develop my own capabilities here. So for a long time I've been thinking I'd like to work with this company.

  A: Have you ever worked during your university days?

  B: Yes. I worked as a tutor to teach English to a middle school student.

  A: There's a good chance for you to come to work for this company. But, you will have to have another interview with our manager himself in Chinese.

  B: Of course.

  A: Thank you for coming. Good-bye!

  B: Good-bye!

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