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2013-12-08 · TA获得超过421个赞
Nowadays, most of the teachers and students are talking about whether English should be an elective or not. And now, I want to talk about my own opinions.
In my view, English should not a elective. In other words, it should absolutely be a major. Remember that in primary school, middle school, we all have to learn English as
an important subjuct, so we should continue studying it. There are a few benefits of learning English. First of all, English is a language which is different from our first language, Chinese. What's more, the language which most of the people in the world speak is English. So if we learn it well, it can help you to solve a lot of trouble. Imagine you are a travell-lover and you want to travel around the world, however you can't speak English well and you can't understand what the others say. What would you do at that time? Will you regret? Maybe you will say:" If I learned
English well, I wouldn't be so confused." In order not to regret in the future, I think we must learn English well. Secondly, if you want to work in in a company which links to foreign countries, you must have a good skill of English, otherwise you will lose your chance. So don't let English be your pity. So let English be our major and we can learn it well.
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2013-12-08 · TA获得超过496个赞
On Students Selecting Lectures
Nowadays, there is a growing number of universities that allow students to select the teachers of some courses or lectures by themselves, which has a great impact on college study.
When selecting lectures, students tend to pay more attention to the fact that whether the teachers are responsible and kind. Sometimes, humor is another essential factor taken into account while selecting teachers for every student is willing to attend interesting lectures instead of boring ones.
Students will gain a lot of benefit from selecting lectures. Firstly, they have the flexibility in choosing teachers who they prefer, so they will be more active in these teachers’classes. In addition, this measure promotes students to be more independent and decide their own college learning. On the other hand, selecting lectures also has its negative effect. By doing so, some outstanding professors'classes would attract a great number of students which is beyond the limitation while the others’contain only a few students. So the competition among teachers will become more and more intense.
Widely speaking, selecting lectures does much good to college learning as well as the students.
With the advance of society and improvement of technology.University is pretty opening,hence, some of the college permit the student to select lectures. Of cause, if we want to selecting lectures, attention should be paid to.For a start ,the lecture is that exerted a tremendous fascination on you so that you can hard study. Additionly,the teacher should have a sense of humor,consequently,the students will be interesting in this class.The students will bother to study There is no denying that , however, selecting lectures can attach the teacher to his students. At the same time, it can promote fellowship between the teacher and the student. It also furnish the student with a good study setting. Accordingly,it look like they are friend when they talk about sth. get together.
Along with the advance of the selecting lectures more and more problem are brought to our attention , one which is that the teacher may don't respect or some of the teacher will be nelect and so on. All in all, no garden no weeds. It play a positive role in the development of university, despite a slice of unfavorable impacts . We should ,therefore, take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposites facet.
大哥 我要的作文是英语该不该成为选修课 你这发的不是啊 。。。
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