arcgis 的Identify的参数是怎样用的解决方法
2016-05-30 · 百度知道合伙人官方认证企业
1【专注:Python+人工智能|Java大数据|HTML5培训】 2【免费提供名师直播课堂、公开课及视频教程】 3【地址:北京市昌平区三旗百汇物美大卖场2层,微信公众号:yuzhitc】
Identity_analysis(in_features, identity_features, out_feature_class, {join_attributes}, {cluster_tolerance}, {relationship})
in_features (Feature Layer):The input feature class or layer.
identity_features (Feature Layer):The identity feature class or layer. Must be polygons or the same geometry type as the input features.
join_attributes {String}:Determines what attributes will be transferred to the output feature class.
* ALL—All the attributes (including FIDs) from the input features, as well as the identity features, will be transferred to the output features. If no intersection is found the identity feature values will not be transferred to the output (their values will be set to empty strings or 0) and the identity feature FID will be -1. This is the default.
* NO_FID—All the attributes except the FID from the input features and identity features will be transferred to the output features. If no intersection is found the identity feature values will not be transferred to the output (their values will be set to empty strings or 0).
* ONLY_FID—All the attributes from the input features but only the FID from the identity features will be transferred to the output features. The identity features FID attribute in the output will be -1 if no intersection is found.
cluster_tolerance {Linear unit}:The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both).
relationship {Boolean}:Determines if additional spatial relationships between the in_features and the identity_features are to be written to the output. This only applies when the in_features are lines and the identity_features are polygons.
* NO_RELATIONSHIPS—No additional spatial relationship will be determined.
* KEEP_RELATIONSHIPS—The output line features will contain two additional fields, LEFT_poly and RIGHT_poly. These fields contain the feature ID of the identity_features on the left and right side of the line feature.
out_feature_class (Feature Class):The feature class that will be created and to which the results will be written.
Identity_analysis(in_features, identity_features, out_feature_class, {join_attributes}, {cluster_tolerance}, {relationship})
in_features (Feature Layer):The input feature class or layer.
identity_features (Feature Layer):The identity feature class or layer. Must be polygons or the same geometry type as the input features.
join_attributes {String}:Determines what attributes will be transferred to the output feature class.
* ALL—All the attributes (including FIDs) from the input features, as well as the identity features, will be transferred to the output features. If no intersection is found the identity feature values will not be transferred to the output (their values will be set to empty strings or 0) and the identity feature FID will be -1. This is the default.
* NO_FID—All the attributes except the FID from the input features and identity features will be transferred to the output features. If no intersection is found the identity feature values will not be transferred to the output (their values will be set to empty strings or 0).
* ONLY_FID—All the attributes from the input features but only the FID from the identity features will be transferred to the output features. The identity features FID attribute in the output will be -1 if no intersection is found.
cluster_tolerance {Linear unit}:The minimum distance separating all feature coordinates (nodes and vertices) as well as the distance a coordinate can move in X or Y (or both).
relationship {Boolean}:Determines if additional spatial relationships between the in_features and the identity_features are to be written to the output. This only applies when the in_features are lines and the identity_features are polygons.
* NO_RELATIONSHIPS—No additional spatial relationship will be determined.
* KEEP_RELATIONSHIPS—The output line features will contain two additional fields, LEFT_poly and RIGHT_poly. These fields contain the feature ID of the identity_features on the left and right side of the line feature.
out_feature_class (Feature Class):The feature class that will be created and to which the results will be written.