饺子在亚洲乃至世界受到广泛喜爱,类型也随着各国人们的不同口味变化着。同时,近代西方饮食文化的舶来,也引起了中国近现代饮食生活的较大变化,如啤酒、汽水、奶茶、蛋糕以及各类西式快餐,渐渐受到了中国人的欢迎,同时也加快了中国人的生活节奏。另外,西菜中做,中菜西做,中西合璧也为人们所接受。可以说,近现代中国饮食文化的发展,就是融合中西饮食文化精华于一炉的过程中实现的。 展开
饺子在亚洲乃至世界受到广泛喜爱,类型也随着各国人们的不同口味变化着。同时,近代西方饮食文化的舶来,也引起了中国近现代饮食生活的较大变化,如啤酒、汽水、奶茶、蛋糕以及各类西式快餐,渐渐受到了中国人的欢迎,同时也加快了中国人的生活节奏。另外,西菜中做,中菜西做,中西合璧也为人们所接受。可以说,近现代中国饮食文化的发展,就是融合中西饮食文化精华于一炉的过程中实现的。 展开
The traditional Chinese cooking methods, is the flavor in the first place. Compare the attenion dishes overall effect, with strong Chinese philosophy is the harmonic colour. Modern Chinese cooking more attention to science is more attention to health and safety. As in the process of making dumplings, no longer in order to pursue the delicious and many use additives condiments.
Dumpling in Asia and in the world are popular, type also as countries people of different flavors changes. Meanwhile, modern western diet culture stimulated, also has caused the Chinese modem dietetic life of major changes, such as beer, soda water, tea, cake and various western fast-food, gradually by Chinese welcome, while also accelerate the Chinese life rhythm. In addition, western food, Chinese food in the west do Chinese and western also to be accepted by people. Can say, the development of modern Chinese food culture is merging Chinese and western diet culture essence in a furnace process to realize.
Dumpling in Asia and in the world are popular, type also as countries people of different flavors changes. Meanwhile, modern western diet culture stimulated, also has caused the Chinese modem dietetic life of major changes, such as beer, soda water, tea, cake and various western fast-food, gradually by Chinese welcome, while also accelerate the Chinese life rhythm. In addition, western food, Chinese food in the west do Chinese and western also to be accepted by people. Can say, the development of modern Chinese food culture is merging Chinese and western diet culture essence in a furnace process to realize.