
28.Computers,_______havemanyuses,cannotcompletelytaketheplaceofhumans.A.thatB.thoughC... 28.Computers,_______have many uses, cannot completely take the place of humans.
A.that B.though C.which D.as
答案C 我选B

31.Ladies and gentlemen, please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.
A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat
答案A 我选B

33. _______to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of skills.
A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students enough brave D.Students brave enough
答案D 我选C

35.The job will be offered to_______is capable of performing it well.
who B.whoever C.no matter who D.anyone
答案B 我选D

36. Who should be responsible for the accident?
The boss,not the workers.They just carride out the order_______.
A.as are told B.as told C.as telling D.as they told
答案B 我选A

38.At an Expo-themed forum in Shanghai`s Yangpu District, Governments were also urged_______a good job in protecting local old buildings and culture while pursuing social and economic development.
A.doing B.having done C.to be done D.to do
答案D 我选B

40.With Internet use_______in the world,companies like Yahoo and Google are hunting harder for deals.
A.exploded B.having exploded C.being exploded D.exploding
答案D 我选C

2010-12-13 · TA获得超过950个赞
28.Computers,_______have many uses, cannot completely take the place of humans.
A.that B.though C.which D.as

这个句子的主干是Computers cannot completely take the place of humans. ” _______have many uses”是一个插入语成分,用来修饰主语computers。选B的话会导致结构混乱,如果一定要用though,那么必须写成Computers, though having many uses, cannot completely take the place of humans.

31.Ladies and gentlemen, please remain_______until the plane has come the a complete stop.
A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat

这一题选B的问题在于没有弄清seat作为动词时的用法。Seat作动词的时候表示“将某人的座位安排在…,让某人落座”,用法是seat sb.所以这里这句话想表示的意思是“女士们先生们,请在座位上坐好”,其实就是ladies and gentlemen, please keep seating yourselves (on your seats),变成被动语态就是please remain seated (by yourselves).

33. _______to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of skills.
A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students enough brave D.Students brave enough


35.The job will be offered to_______is capable of performing it well.
who B.whoever C.no matter who D.anyone

这一题如果选D的话还是缺少成分,anyone作为动词offer的间接宾语, 那么” is capable of performing it well”就要做修饰这个间接宾语的成分,需要用who来连接,即”The job will be offered to anyone who is capable of performing it well.”

36. Who should be responsible for the accident?
The boss,not the workers.They just carried out the order_______.
A.as are told B.as told C.as telling D.as they told

这一题完整的写法应该是”They just carried out the order as they were/are told”,可以省略为”as told”,不可以省略为”as were/are told”。

38.At an Expo-themed forum in Shanghai`s Yangpu District, Governments were also urged_______a good job in protecting local old buildings and culture while pursuing social and economic development.
A.doing B.having done C.to be done D.to do

这一题考的是动词urge的用法,表示“强烈要求某人做某事”的意思时所用的结构是urge sb. to do sth.

40.With Internet use_______in the world,companies like Yahoo and Google are hunting harder for deals.
A.exploded B.having exploded C.being exploded D.exploding

这题重点是动词explode的用法,这是一个不及物动词,后面是不可以有宾语的,即只能说sth. Explodes/exploded…,而不能说explode sth.所以explode不会有被动语态出现,即我们只会说某某东西爆炸了,而不说某某东西被爆炸了。当然这里使用的是“爆炸”的引申义,但道理是一样的。
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