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2022-10-23 · TA获得超过1万个赞



  He was her university teacher. He was *** art, confident, and had a great sense of humor. And he was rather good-looking, too. The fact was, she had fallen in love with him. She sensed that he might like her. She had caught him looking at her more than once. What to do?

  At the end of the semester, she waited till all the other students had left. She said she had a gift for him. He said that was very nice of her. Then he looked around for a wrapped package. Where was the gift, he asked. She said it was still at the store. She would pick him up and take him there that Saturday, if that was okay with him.

  She picked him up at the Starbucks near his apartment. He was enjoying the mystery. He asked her: Was it an alarm clock so that he wouldn’t be late for class? Was it teaching materials, like markers and erasers? A new briefcase? An extra ink cartridge for his puter for when he printed handouts? She said that she couldn’t ment.

  They got to the mall and went into Nordstrom’s. “I hope it isn’t a suit,” he joked. “I never wear suits.”

  “No, it isn’t. But it’s something that you always wear with a suit.”

  “A tie? Why would I wear a tie if I never wear suits?”

  “Not a tie, silly,” she said, as they walked into the shoe department. She had noticed that he always wore the same pair of shoes in class. She had guessed that he wore size 11, and had picked out a nice two-tone casual model by Clark. She hoped that he would like the shoes as much as she did. The shoes fit perfectly, and he did like them. When they left the store, he offered her his hand, and they walked out to her car hand in hand. She was tingling. “Let me at least buy you dinner,” he suggested as they got into her car.


  Chet and Eliot had been running around all day. It had been hot. They were unshaved, and wearing shorts, T-shirts, and flip-flops. At about 6 p.m., they felt like eating something. They were on south Lake, which had several restaurants. Eliot suggested that they go to the Mediterranean restaurant. “The food is good and there’s lots of it,” he told Chet. It was refreshingly cool inside the restaurant. They were seated at a table near the front door.

  Their waitress was a young, pretty blonde. Chet hit on her immediately. “Could I have you for dessert?” he asked, with a big grin on his face. She *** iled, but said nothing. Chet told her that he was a famous heart surgeon, and if she didn’t give him her phone number, he would have to operate on his own broken heart. She *** iled again. When she asked Chet and Eliot if they wanted appetizers, they both realized that English was her second language.

  Chet asked her where she was from. She said she was from Russia. Chet told her that her English was very good. She thanked him. They had a delicious meal, and Chet left the waitress a big tip. She thanked him, but she still refused to give him her phone number. “I have hu *** and,” she explained. “Yes, and he’s the luckiest man on Earth,” Chet told her. She *** iled.

  Outside the restaurant, Chet kidded Eliot. “You didn’t say a word in there to her. How do you expect to get anywhere with women if you don’t talk to them?” “I didn’t want to spoil your chances,” Eliot *** iled.

  Two months later, Eliot was substitute teaching for a US Citizenship class. When the class ended, one student lingered. It was the blonde waitress from the restaurant. She talked to him for about five minutes about George Washington. Sensing that she had something else on her mind, Eliot asked her to join him for a cup of coffee. She said she would love to.  

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