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2022-10-19 · TA获得超过4894个赞
中文翻释英文句子 1.你认识的伤残人士中,有没有人曾乘搭天星小轮? Among the people with disabilities that you know
has any one travelled on Star Ferry? 2.他们的意见如何?What are their opinions?3.你认为天星小轮有需要改善对残疾人士的服务吗?Do you think that Star Ferry needs to improve their services for people with disabilities? 4.现时甚么交通工具最方便残疾人士?At present which me of trport is the most convenient for people with disabilities? 5.地铁有甚么地方值得天星小轮参考?In what areas can Star Ferry learn from MTR? 6. 有人认为花太多资源去改善天星小轮的残疾人士服务,不符合 成本效益,你又有甚么看法? Some people think that spending too much resource to improve Star Ferry's services for people with disabilities does not conform with cost effectiveness. What is your opinion? 2011-09-30 05:46:11 补充: 5.地铁有甚么地方值得天星小轮参考? What areas of MTR services are worth referring by Star Ferry?
1) Do you know somebody who known by you with handicap had boarded the Star Ferry before? 2) How about their opinions? 3)Do you think that is there any improvement required by the Star Ferry on the services for handicapped people? 4) At present what is the most effective trporting facility for the handicapped people? 5) What are the good examples of the MTR to be followed by the Star Ferry ? 2011-10-04 00:37:46 补充: 6)What are your ideas regarding the services of handicap
as somebody said that there iwas no need for the Star Ferry to spend so much money and that is not worthwhile as far as economic returns being concerned?
1.你认识的伤残人士中,有没有人曾乘搭天星小轮? You know the disabled
there is no one has to take the Star Ferry? 2.他们的意见如何? 2. what is their views? 3.你认为天星小轮有需要改善对残疾人士的服务吗? 3 What you think there is a need to improve disabled services in Star Ferry? 4.现时甚么交通工具最方便残疾人士? 4 What is now the most convenient trport for the disabled? 5.地铁有甚么地方值得天星小轮参考? 5 What is the Star Ferry should reference the MTR ? 6. 有人认为花太多资源去改善天星小轮的残疾人士服务,不符合 成本效益,你又有甚么看法? 6. Some people think spending too much resources to improve the Star Ferry services to people with disabilities
not cost-effective
what is your opinion?
参考: trlate.google
1. You know the disabled
there is no one has to take the Star Ferry? 2. They think? 3. Star Ferry you think there is a need to improve disabled services? 4. What is now the most convenient trport the disabled? 5. where the MTR should reference the Star Ferry? 6. Some people think that spending too much resources to improve the Star Ferry services to people with disabilities
not cost-effective
what is your opinion?
1. You know the disabled
there is no one has to take the Star Ferry? 2. They think? 3 Star Ferry you think there is a need to improve disabled services? 4 What is now the most convenient trport the disabled? 5 where the MTR should reference the Star Ferry? 6. Some people think that spending too much resources to improve the Star Ferry services to people with disabilities
not cost-effective
what is your opinion?
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