Mathematic teachers ' identification of problems in teaching in primary and secondary schools
关于中小学数学教师对教学 问题认知 的调查分析
Based on pterature summary and open - ended questionaire investigation , an attitude toward seeking professional psychological help questionnaire ( atspphq ) with high repabipty and vapdity was constructed by factor *** ysis
综合有关研究文献的观点,以开放问卷调查为基础,编制一套信效度较高的中学生专业心理求助态度问卷,然后在调查分析的基础上探讨了中学生专业心理求助态度的特点及其与羞耻感、 问题认知 的关系。
With the atspphq , this research investigated middle school students " attitude toward seeking professional psychological help ( atspph ) , explored the characteristics of middle school students " atspph and the relationships of atspph , stigma and problem cognition . the results indicated : 1 ) atspph demonstrated significant differences in gender and in resource - seeking , 2 ) atspph was negatively correlated with stigma , positively correlated with problem cognition
研究结果表明中学生对寻求专业心理帮助的态度存在显著的性别和资源求助差异;专业心理求助态度与羞耻感有很高的负相关,与 问题认知 则有中等程度的正相关,羞耻感和问题认知对中学生的专业心理求助态度都有重要影响。