1、What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)回答:"I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned.I've set some high goals for myself.For example,I want to graduate with highest distinction.
2、How do you feel about your progress to date?(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)回答:"I think I did well in school.But I am clear that I still have a long way to walk to realize my dream and finally achieve self-value.I will try my best.
1、What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)回答:"I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done.I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned.I've set some high goals for myself.For example,I want to graduate with highest distinction.
2、How do you feel about your progress to date?(对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的?)回答:"I think I did well in school.But I am clear that I still have a long way to walk to realize my dream and finally achieve self-value.I will try my best.