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2023-05-22 · TA获得超过143个赞


1、Once upon a time,the son of Brahmadatta was ruling righteously in Benares,in northern India.It came to pass that the King of Kosala made war,killed the King of Benares,and made the queen become his own wife.

Meanwhile,the queen's son escaped by sneaking1 away through the sewers2.In the countryside he eventually raised a large army and surrounded the city.

He sent a message to the king,the murderer of his father and the husband of his mother.He told him to surrender the kingdom or fight a battle.

2、There was a handful of clay in the bank of a river.It was only common clay,coarse and heavy;but it had high thoughts of its own value,and wonderful dreams of the great place which it was to fill in the world when the time came for its virtues1 to be discovered.

Overhead,in the spring sunshine,the trees whispered together of the glory whichdescended2 upon them when the delicate blossoms and leaves began to expand。

and the forest glowed the fair,clear colors,as if the dust of thousands of rubies3 and emeralds were hanging,in soft clouds,above the earth.

The flowers,surprised with the joy of beauty,bent4 their heads to one another,as the windcaressed5 them,and said:“Sisters,how lovely you have become.You make the day bright.”

3、During the 1850's,there was a lot of unrest in Taiwan,so the Emperor sent Xu Shuyan with soldiers to calm everything down.

Tang Yian was sent along with him.Tang was anxious to find out how things were with his little brother,Tang Shengan,who was leading troops in Xiamen,across the Taiwan Strait on the mainland1.

But communications in those days were poor at best,and during wartime,it was almost impossible to get letters through.

One day four coolies came with a huge sea turtle for sale.It was gigantic2,and the price they were asking was high.Tang's subordinate3 Chang thought of buying it,butbalked4 at the price they asked.

4、An artist who had painted many pictures of great beauty found that he had not yet painted the one“real”picture.

In his search along a dusty road,he met an aged priest who asked him where he was going.

“I do not know,”said the artist,“I want to paint the most beautiful thing in the world.Perhaps you can direct me to it.”

“How simple,”replied the priest,“in any church or creed,you will find it——“faith”is the most beautiful thing in the world.”

The artist traveled on.Later,he met a young bride who told him that the most beautifu thing in the world is:”love”.”love”makes the world go round.

I builds poverty into riches.sweetens tears and makes much of little.Without love there is no beauty.

5、Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism.His horse,for no reason at all,got into the territory of the northern tribes.Everyone commiserated with him.

“Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing,”said his father.

After a few months,his animal came back,leading a fine horse from the north.Everyone congratulated him.

“Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune,”said his father.

6、scepter of lilies.Their petals25 are white as snow,and the heart of them is like pure gold.The people look this way because the flower is the most wonderful in the world.And the root of it is in your heart.“

Then the clay was content,and silently thanked its maker,because,though an earthen vessel,it held so great a treasure.

7、The Frogs Asking for a King

THE FROGS,grieved at having no established Ruler,sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King.Perceiving their simplicity,he cast down a huge log into the lake.The Frogs were terrified at the splash occasioned by its fall and hid themselves in the depths of the pool.

But as soon as they realized that the huge log was motionless,they swam again to the top of the water,dismissed their fears,climbed up,and began squatting on it in contempt.

8、The ass and the grasshopper

An ass1 having heard some grasshoppers2 chirping3,was highly enchanted4;and,desiring to possess the same charms of melody,demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices.They replied,”The dew.“

The ass resolved that he would live only upon dew,and in a short time died of hunger.

9、The Cock and the Pearl

A cock was once strutting1 up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he espied2 something shinning amid the straw.”Ho!ho!“quoth he,”that's for me,“and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw.

What did it turn out to be but a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard?”You may be a treasure,“quoth master pock,”to men that prize you,but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls.“

Precious things are for those that can prize them.

10、The labourer and the snake

A labourer's little son was bitten by a snake and died of the wound.The father was beside himself with grief,and in his anger against the snake the caught up an axe1 and went and stood close to the snake's hole,and watched for a chance of killing2 it.

Presently the snake come out,and the man aimed a blow at it,but only succeeded in cutting of the tip of its tail before it wriggled3 in again.He then tried to get it to come out a second time,pretending that he wished to make up the quarrel.But the snake said,”

I can never be your friend because of my lost tail,nor you mine because of your lost child.“Injuries are never forgotten in the presence of those who caused them.

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