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随着时代的发展,赚钱不再是农民工外出务工经商的唯一目的,在获取更多经济收入的同时,农民工开始并日益注重家庭成员的团聚、子女的教育以及家庭生活水平的改善、提高。农民工群体正在发生重要的结构性变化,从以前男劳动力外出“独闯”逐渐演变成夫妻二人同时外出务工以及携子女外出流动的形式,农民工家庭化的趋势明显。据调查,2009年全国农村劳动力举家外出的2966万人,占20.4%,比去年同期增长3.7%。 展开
随着时代的发展,赚钱不再是农民工外出务工经商的唯一目的,在获取更多经济收入的同时,农民工开始并日益注重家庭成员的团聚、子女的教育以及家庭生活水平的改善、提高。农民工群体正在发生重要的结构性变化,从以前男劳动力外出“独闯”逐渐演变成夫妻二人同时外出务工以及携子女外出流动的形式,农民工家庭化的趋势明显。据调查,2009年全国农村劳动力举家外出的2966万人,占20.4%,比去年同期增长3.7%。 展开
The flow of rural labor force way: by "armed with" trend "family" of migration
With the development of the times, money is no longer the migrant workers working outside the sole purpose of doing business, more income at the same time, rural workers and the growing emphasis on family reunification, children's education and family living standards improve, increased. Migrant workers is undergoing significant structural change away from the previous male labor force "armed with" gradually evolved into a husband and wife both working outside and taking their children out in the form of movement, the family of migrant workers was evident. According to the survey, in 2009 the rural labor force his family out of 2966 million, accounting for 20.4%, 3.7% more than last year.
With the development of the times, money is no longer the migrant workers working outside the sole purpose of doing business, more income at the same time, rural workers and the growing emphasis on family reunification, children's education and family living standards improve, increased. Migrant workers is undergoing significant structural change away from the previous male labor force "armed with" gradually evolved into a husband and wife both working outside and taking their children out in the form of movement, the family of migrant workers was evident. According to the survey, in 2009 the rural labor force his family out of 2966 million, accounting for 20.4%, 3.7% more than last year.