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现在,意林为了满足各类人士的知识需求,慢慢的分出了许多版种,有专供女生看的《意林•小小姐》、儿童看的《意林少年版》等等等等。 其创建并弘扬的“意林”文化已深得百万读者和业内人士的认同,其良好的上升态势所激起的“意林现象”已成为业界专家争相研究并为之津津乐道的对象。
“妙于策划, 妙于编排, 意味深长, 意趣横生”是期刊协会前会长张伯海先生对《意林》的评价。在未来的发展道路上,我们“意林人”将秉持“厚德载物,天道酬勤”之精神,全方位整合多种传媒形式、内容资源、技术平台和传播渠道,为打造中国乃至全球都深具影响的励志传媒——“意林文化”而奋斗不息。 展开
现在,意林为了满足各类人士的知识需求,慢慢的分出了许多版种,有专供女生看的《意林•小小姐》、儿童看的《意林少年版》等等等等。 其创建并弘扬的“意林”文化已深得百万读者和业内人士的认同,其良好的上升态势所激起的“意林现象”已成为业界专家争相研究并为之津津乐道的对象。
“妙于策划, 妙于编排, 意味深长, 意趣横生”是期刊协会前会长张伯海先生对《意林》的评价。在未来的发展道路上,我们“意林人”将秉持“厚德载物,天道酬勤”之精神,全方位整合多种传媒形式、内容资源、技术平台和传播渠道,为打造中国乃至全球都深具影响的励志传媒——“意林文化”而奋斗不息。 展开
The meaning of "story Lin, change life" for the purpose, by "small story big wisdom, small humor truth, small Angle big mood", stick to the "inspirational, moving, illumination, and ascension" is a pre-requisite, make Chinese and global are deeply affected the inspirational media.
As the name suggests, "meaning" is artistic conception, picturesque, significance, means, "Lin" namely comprehensive, "meaning" Lin is through many stories create life artistic conception, show philosophizing, explains picturesque meaning of life, dialysis life meaning. Since August 2003 published so far less than seven years, just a few short years time, the meaning of "Lin circulation have leapt Chinese abstract journals phalanx, becoming the first Chinese periodical market in recent years the biggest a" dark horse ".
Now, meaning Lin to full
As the name suggests, "meaning" is artistic conception, picturesque, significance, means, "Lin" namely comprehensive, "meaning" Lin is through many stories create life artistic conception, show philosophizing, explains picturesque meaning of life, dialysis life meaning. Since August 2003 published so far less than seven years, just a few short years time, the meaning of "Lin circulation have leapt Chinese abstract journals phalanx, becoming the first Chinese periodical market in recent years the biggest a" dark horse ".
Now, meaning Lin to full
"帆清枣Meaning forest" to "a story of life-changing" for the purpose, through the "great wisdom stories, small humorous truths, small angle great mood", adhere to the "inspirational, moving, enlightening, to enhance the" idea of running to create China and the world is inspirational influential media. As the name implies, "meaning" is the mood, Yiyun, significance, meaning, "forest" that is comprehensive, "meaning forest"正铅 is through a lot of stories to create a mood of life, to show philosophizing Yiyun, explained the meaning of life, dialysis, mean life. Founded in August 2003 from less than 7 years so far, just a few years time, "meaning forest," China has leapt to the circulation of the first phalanx Abstracts Journals, periodicals in China in recent years become the largest horse " dark horse. "态拆 Now, the Italian forest types of the knowledge to meet the needs of many version slowly kind of separation, there are specifically for girls to see "Little Miss Italy Lin •" Children see, "meaning forest Junior Edition" etc., etc. . Create and promote its "meaning forest" culture has won millions of readers and industry recognition, and its good upward trend aroused by "meaning forest phenomenon" has become the industry experts and compete on the object of whom relish . "Magic in the planning, wonderful in the planning, meaningful, charm will occur" is the journal of the Association of Former President Mr. Zhang Bohai, "meaning forest" of the evaluation. Path of development in the future, we "meaning forest people" will uphold the "social commitment, Him" the spirit of full integration of a variety of media forms, content, resources, technology platforms and distribution channels, to build China and the world are inspirational influential media - "Italy Forest Culture" and endless struggle.
\u0026quot;Meaning forest\迹孝u0026quot; to \u0026quot;a story of life-changing\u0026quot; for the purpose, through the \u0026quot;great wisdom stories, small humorous truths, small angle great mood\u0026quot;, adhere to the \姿培稿u0026quot;inspirational, moving, enlightening, to enhance the\u0026quot; idea of running to create China and the world is inspirational influential media. As the name implies, \u0026quot;meaning\u0026quot; is the mood, Yiyun, significance, meaning, \u0026quot;forest\u0026quot; that is comprehensive, \u0026quot;meaning forest\u0026quot; is through a lot of stories to create a mood of life, to show philosophizing Yiyun, explained the meaning of life, dialysis, mean life. Founded in August 2003 from less than 7 years so far, just a few years time, \u0026quot;meaning forest\u0026quot; has leapt to the circulation of Chinese Literature .
\u0026quot;Meaning forest\迹孝u0026quot; to \u0026quot;a story of life-changing\u0026quot; for the purpose, through the \u0026quot;great wisdom stories, small humorous truths, small angle great mood\u0026quot;, adhere to the \姿培稿u0026quot;inspirational, moving, enlightening, to enhance the\u0026quot; idea of running to create China and the world is inspirational influential media. As the name implies, \u0026quot;meaning\u0026quot; is the mood, Yiyun, significance, meaning, \u0026quot;forest\u0026quot; that is comprehensive, \u0026quot;meaning forest\u0026quot; is through a lot of stories to create a mood of life, to show philosophizing Yiyun, explained the meaning of life, dialysis, mean life. Founded in August 2003 from less than 7 years so far, just a few years time, \u0026quot;meaning forest\u0026quot; has leapt to the circulation of Chinese Literature .