歌曲赏析--Man in the Mirror (镜中人)
Siedah Garrett 和 Glen Ballard写词、谱曲, Michael Jackson发表於1988年Bad专辑。
I'm gonna make a change for once in my life 我要在我的人生中做个改变
It's gonna feel real good 这种感觉多麼美好,
Gonna make a difference 我想做些改变,
Gonna make it right 把事情作的更好
As I turned up the collar on My favorite winter coat 当我穿起最爱的风衣,帅气的竖起衣领时,
This wind is blowin' my mind 微风吹拂著我的想法
I see the kids in the street 然而当我看见那些在大街上,
With not enough to eat 饿著肚子的孩子们
Who am I to be blind Pretending not to see their need 我是谁?是瞎子吗? 假若无视他们的需求吗?
A summer's disregard, A broken bottle top 盛夏的漠视, 破碎的酒瓶,
And a one man's soul 和一个人的灵魂
They follow each other On the wind ya' know 正如你所见,他们在风雨中互相扶持,
'Cause they got nowhere to go 因为他们无处可去,
That's why I want you to know 那正是我想让你知道的
I'm starting with the man in the mirror 我要从镜子中的那个人开始做起,
I'm asking him to change his ways 我要求他改变他的人生态度
And no message could have been any clearer 没有任何讯息比这更清楚
If you wanna make the world a better place 如果你想让这个世界更好
Take a look at yourself and then make a change 先好好检视自己,然后做些改变,
I've been a victim of a selfish kinda love 我也曾被这样的自私心伤害过
It's time that I realize 是时候让我意识到
There are some with no home Not a nickel to loan 世界上还有很多无家可归,穷困潦倒借不到五分的人
Could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone 这是真正的我吗,假装他们并不孤单?
A willow deeply scarred, Somebody's broken heart 一条柳树上的深痕,某个人破碎的心
And a washed out dream 和一个逝去的梦想...
They follow the pattern of the wind ya see 正如你所见,他们在风雨中飘零
'Cause they got no place to be 因为他们无处可去,
That's why I'm starting with me 这就是从我自己先做起的原因
********repeat******** x 2
I'm starting with the man in the mirror 我要从镜子中的人开始做起,
(Man In The Mirror-Oh Yeah!)
I'm asking him to change his ways 我要求他改变他的人生态度
(Better Change!)
And no message could have been any clearer 没有任何讯息比这更清楚
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
(Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make The Change)
(You Gotta Get It Right, While You Got The Time)
('Cause When You Close Your Heart)
You Can't Close Your . . .Your Mind! (Then You Close Your . . .Mind!)
That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, You Know . ...That Man
(And no message could have been any clearer) 没有任何讯息比这更清楚
If you wanna make the world a better place 如果你想让这个世界更好
Take a look at yourself and then make a change 先好好检视自己,然后做些改变,
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah) (Oh Yeah!)
Gonna Feel Real Good Now!
Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah! (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah) (Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, Oh No . . . Gonna Make A Change 想要做改变
It's Gonna Feel Real Good! 这感觉真好
Come On! (Change . . .)
Just Lift Yourself, You Know 你知道的只要提升你自己
You've Got To Stop It, Yourself! 你必须要停止 (Yeah!-Make That Change!)
I've Got To Make That Change, Today! Hoo! 我必须要改变, 就是今天(Man In The Mirror)
You Got To 你必须不要让你自己
You Got To Not Let Yourself . . Brother . . .Hoo! (Yeah!-Make That Change!)
You Know-I've Got To Get That Man, That Man . . . 你知道的我只要让那个人(Man In The Mirror-镜中人)
You've Got To, You've Got To Move! Come on 你必须要, 你必须要开始行动
On! Come On! You Got To . . . 你必须要开始站起来支持
Stand Up! Stand Up! Stand Up! (Yeah-Make That Change)
Stand Up And Lift Yourself, Now! 站起来支持并提升你自己(Man In The Mirror-镜中人)
You Know It! You Know It! You Know It! You Know . . .你知道的话!! (Change . . .)
Make That Change. 作出改变!
Official 版 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-WVSPDtsHk&feature=related
演唱会 - Moonwalk版 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEyqS3uLV5s&feature=related
1988 Grammy版 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4COxumzxKw&p=B5276287E428347E&playnext=1&index=15
Bucharest 1992版 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t55J6Op_5oE
这是一首带有流行、福音、心灵性质的歌曲。歌词的内容非常平易近人,叙述一个人某次出门时看到一群饿著肚子的小孩后,开始反省自己,试图从镜中的那个我先做出改变,到最后也呼吁其身旁的所有人从自己做出改变,并以一句简单的make that change作为结尾,深刻又明确的点出此首歌曲最想表达的意念
这首歌的一个特点便是他的歌词唱起来有如在陈述一段内心的对白,相较於一般的歌曲较为口语化,唱时不会骜口,不会像有些流行乐曲的歌词那麼的洒狗血,又一直重复著副歌部分唱。这首歌感觉像是在听一场动人的演讲,可能也是由於它没有拘泥於某些歌词故意求工的对仗式写法,所以这首歌的演唱会版本跟录音版的歌词常会有所不同,长度也随之变化,例如Michael Jackson 1992年在Bucharest的现场演唱会中就曾激动地唱这首歌到长达十分钟。
其中歌词的一段似乎在影射Michael Jackson他自己较为不幸的童年(I've been a victim of a selfish kinda love /It's time that I realize….),因为他爸爸的关系,在与他同年纪的小孩子还在玩耍时,他就得每天辛苦的排舞练歌,一对一的家教上课,严重缺乏了一般小孩天真无忧无虑的童年,虽然有了辉煌的成就,却在他爸爸的selfish kinda love 之下有了一个无法挽回的童年时光,也因此Michael Jackson在唱首歌时更显得动人肺腑。这样的童年岁月也是现今后人在讨论Michael Jackson日后所唱的部分歌曲,或做的部分行为必定考虑在内的因素。
既然是歌词赏析,我想他官方上的MV内容应该是Michael Jackson极为想要传表达给聆听者的。无论是身处贫困的人民、伟大的革命人士、各地的种族迫害、原子弹的试爆等等,都有助於我们更了解此首歌的内涵。我认为,在演唱会上那些激动至落泪的歌迷,是因为麦可杰出的表演,抑或是真的懂了这首歌的内涵意义等因素或许不得而知,但当看著Michael Jackson奋力地演出时,你至少会相信他真的是the man who has already maken the change!
歌曲赏析--Man in the Mirror (镜中人)
Siedah Garrett 和 Glen Ballard写词、谱曲, Michael Jackson发表於1988年Bad专辑。
I'm gonna make a change for once in my life 我要在我的人生中做个改变
It's gonna feel real good 这种感觉多麼美好,
Gonna make a difference 我想做些改变,
Gonna make it right 把事情作的更好
As I turned up the collar on My favorite winter coat 当我穿起最爱的风衣,帅气的竖起衣领时,
This wind is blowin' my mind 微风吹拂著我的想法
I see the kids in the street 然而当我看见那些在大街上,
With not enough to eat 饿著肚子的孩子们
Who am I to be blind Pretending not to see their need 我是谁?是瞎子吗? 假若无视他们的需求吗?
A summer's disregard, A broken bottle top 盛夏的漠视, 破碎的酒瓶,
And a one man's soul 和一个人的灵魂
They follow each other On the wind ya' know 正如你所见,他们在风雨中互相扶持,
'Cause they got nowhere to go 因为他们无处可去,
That's why I want you to know 那正是我想让你知道的
I'm starting with the man in the mirror 我要从镜子中的那个人开始做起,
I'm asking him to change his ways 我要求他改变他的人生态度
And no message could have been any clearer 没有任何讯息比这更清楚
If you wanna make the world a better place 如果你想让这个世界更好
Take a look at yourself and then make a change 先好好检视自己,然后做些改变,
I've been a victim of a selfish kinda love 我也曾被这样的自私心伤害过
It's time that I realize 是时候让我意识到
There are some with no home Not a nickel to loan 世界上还有很多无家可归,穷困潦倒借不到五分的人
Could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone 这是真正的我吗,假装他们并不孤单?
A willow deeply scarred, Somebody's broken heart 一条柳树上的深痕,某个人破碎的心
And a washed out dream 和一个逝去的梦想...
They follow the pattern of the wind ya see 正如你所见,他们在风雨中飘零
'Cause they got no place to be 因为他们无处可去,
That's why I'm starting with me 这就是从我自己先做起的原因
********repeat******** x 2
I'm starting with the man in the mirror 我要从镜子中的人开始做起,
(Man In The Mirror-Oh Yeah!)
I'm asking him to change his ways 我要求他改变他的人生态度
(Better Change!)
And no message could have been any clearer 没有任何讯息比这更清楚
(If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place)
(Take A Look At Yourself And Then Make The Change)
(You Gotta Get It Right, While You Got The Time)
('Cause When You Close Your Heart)
You Can't Close Your . . .Your Mind! (Then You Close Your . . .Mind!)
That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, That Man, You Know . ...That Man
(And no message could have been any clearer) 没有任何讯息比这更清楚
If you wanna make the world a better place 如果你想让这个世界更好
Take a look at yourself and then make a change 先好好检视自己,然后做些改变,
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah) (Oh Yeah!)
Gonna Feel Real Good Now!
Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah! Yeah Yeah! (Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na, Na Nah) (Ooooh . . .)
Oh No, Oh No . . . Gonna Make A Change 想要做改变
It's Gonna Feel Real Good! 这感觉真好
Come On! (Change . . .)
Just Lift Yourself, You Know 你知道的只要提升你自己
You've Got To Stop It, Yourself! 你必须要停止 (Yeah!-Make That Change!)
I've Got To Make That Change, Today! Hoo! 我必须要改变, 就是今天(Man In The Mirror)
You Got To 你必须不要让你自己
You Got To Not Let Yourself . . Brother . . .Hoo! (Yeah!-Make That Change!)
You Know-I've Got To Get That Man, That Man . . . 你知道的我只要让那个人(Man In The Mirror-镜中人)
You've Got To, You've Got To Move! Come on 你必须要, 你必须要开始行动
On! Come On! You Got To . . . 你必须要开始站起来支持
Stand Up! Stand Up! Stand Up! (Yeah-Make That Change)
Stand Up And Lift Yourself, Now! 站起来支持并提升你自己(Man In The Mirror-镜中人)
You Know It! You Know It! You Know It! You Know . . .你知道的话!! (Change . . .)
Make That Change. 作出改变!
Official 版 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-WVSPDtsHk&feature=related
演唱会 - Moonwalk版 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEyqS3uLV5s&feature=related
1988 Grammy版 :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4COxumzxKw&p=B5276287E428347E&playnext=1&index=15
Bucharest 1992版 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t55J6Op_5oE
这是一首带有流行、福音、心灵性质的歌曲。歌词的内容非常平易近人,叙述一个人某次出门时看到一群饿著肚子的小孩后,开始反省自己,试图从镜中的那个我先做出改变,到最后也呼吁其身旁的所有人从自己做出改变,并以一句简单的make that change作为结尾,深刻又明确的点出此首歌曲最想表达的意念
这首歌的一个特点便是他的歌词唱起来有如在陈述一段内心的对白,相较於一般的歌曲较为口语化,唱时不会骜口,不会像有些流行乐曲的歌词那麼的洒狗血,又一直重复著副歌部分唱。这首歌感觉像是在听一场动人的演讲,可能也是由於它没有拘泥於某些歌词故意求工的对仗式写法,所以这首歌的演唱会版本跟录音版的歌词常会有所不同,长度也随之变化,例如Michael Jackson 1992年在Bucharest的现场演唱会中就曾激动地唱这首歌到长达十分钟。
其中歌词的一段似乎在影射Michael Jackson他自己较为不幸的童年(I've been a victim of a selfish kinda love /It's time that I realize….),因为他爸爸的关系,在与他同年纪的小孩子还在玩耍时,他就得每天辛苦的排舞练歌,一对一的家教上课,严重缺乏了一般小孩天真无忧无虑的童年,虽然有了辉煌的成就,却在他爸爸的selfish kinda love 之下有了一个无法挽回的童年时光,也因此Michael Jackson在唱首歌时更显得动人肺腑。这样的童年岁月也是现今后人在讨论Michael Jackson日后所唱的部分歌曲,或做的部分行为必定考虑在内的因素。
既然是歌词赏析,我想他官方上的MV内容应该是Michael Jackson极为想要传表达给聆听者的。无论是身处贫困的人民、伟大的革命人士、各地的种族迫害、原子弹的试爆等等,都有助於我们更了解此首歌的内涵。我认为,在演唱会上那些激动至落泪的歌迷,是因为麦可杰出的表演,抑或是真的懂了这首歌的内涵意义等因素或许不得而知,但当看著Michael Jackson奋力地演出时,你至少会相信他真的是the man who has already maken the change!