This paper shows, in contrast, that the employer may matter, and that the informal arguments made in favour of government provision in the public administration literature do have economic merit. Consider the problem facing a social planner who wants to ensure provision of a valuable social service. The planner chooses between setting up a government department, which has a bureaucrat hired to oversee government employees, or writing a contract with a private firm to provide the service. The main distinction between a contract with a private firm and the incentive structure in a bureaucracy is that the firm’s owner is a residual claimant on net profit, whereas a bureaucrat in the public sector is not.Suppose all workers are endowed with PSM, and that this concern exists independently of who they work for. This is an outcome-oriented motivation so the workers do not care who provides the service, and do not get utility from the very act of providing it, rather they only care about the level of service. For PSM to motivate a worker’s own effort, the worker must believe that, were she not to provide the effort, the level of service would fall. The important thing then is for the employer (either the government bureaucrat or residual claimant in the private firm) to credibly commit not to make up for any shirking by adjusting other inputs. When this commitment is credible, the worker will not shirk since she knows shirking affects output. The private firm cannot credibly commit because once shirking occurs, profits will be lost if it does not adapt and the contract with the planner is unfulfilled. The government bureaucrat, however, with no residual claim on profits, does not face a similar incentive. Under a range of conditions, which are established in the paper, the bureaucrat can commit not to adapt, so that government workers are motivated by PSM not to shirk even though workers in a private firm would not be.
Under these conditions, a government department provides the service at strictly lower cost than a profit-maximizing firm operating under contract with the planner.The analysis bears some similarity to a number of different theories that argue a case for public provision and it is worth considering these distinctions before proceeding.
Psychologists have noted that the perceived nature of a relationship affects individual motivations. Consequently, some argue that civic virtues can be crowded out when services provided as gifts are then provided under contract. In particular, Gregory (1999), Frey (1997a,b) and Nowland-Foreman (1998) argue that the form of contracting in the public sector affects individuals’ norms. When contracts treat agents as if they were self-serving, they then become so. Here, in contrast, the level of PSM in the population is assumed to be unchanged by the form of contracting and service provision.
Preferences of all agents are identical whether working for a private firm or government, and all individuals are homogeneous. This also contrasts the present paper with work examining adverse selection problems that arise when individuals differ in their degree of altruistic motivation, see Weisbrod and Schlesinger (1986) in Rose-Ackerman (1986).
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Under these conditions, a government department provides the service at strictly lower cost than a profit-maximizing firm operating under contract with the planner.The analysis bears some similarity to a number of different theories that argue a case for public provision and it is worth considering these distinctions before proceeding.
Psychologists have noted that the perceived nature of a relationship affects individual motivations. Consequently, some argue that civic virtues can be crowded out when services provided as gifts are then provided under contract. In particular, Gregory (1999), Frey (1997a,b) and Nowland-Foreman (1998) argue that the form of contracting in the public sector affects individuals’ norms. When contracts treat agents as if they were self-serving, they then become so. Here, in contrast, the level of PSM in the population is assumed to be unchanged by the form of contracting and service provision.
Preferences of all agents are identical whether working for a private firm or government, and all individuals are homogeneous. This also contrasts the present paper with work examining adverse selection problems that arise when individuals differ in their degree of altruistic motivation, see Weisbrod and Schlesinger (1986) in Rose-Ackerman (1986).
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