谁能帮我找几个通信专业的英汉翻译文章,大约在3000字。急用。汗。最好不要太好找。要不被发现了。 30
In a typical system the transmitter terminal will contain an input transducer which converts the speech pressure waves in the air into an electrical signal. This input transducer is commonly called a microphone. Similarly, within the received terminal is a loudspeaker, i.e., an output transducer which converts the received electrical signal back into sound. The transmission channel is the medium by which the electrical signal is conveyed from the transmitter terminal to the receiver terminal. The people who provide the input sound by speaking into the microphone and receive the sound after transmission by listening to the loudspeaker are called the communicators. In practice the transmitter or receiver terminal will probably contain an amplifier. This then guarantees that even a small sound at the input to the transmitter microphone will produce a sound at the output of the receiver loudspeaker. In order to discuss examples and illustrate their properties we must introduce some extra terminology and make some definitions. We begin by looking at the electrical signals which will be conveyed through our telecommunications system.
在一个典型的系统发射机终端(我们一般叫发射终端)将包含一个输入传感器,它把空气中讲话压力波转化成电波信号。该输入传感器通常称为麦克风。同样地,扬声器可以看成是接收终端.输出传感器是将接收到的电波信号转换成声音。传输通路指的是一种媒介.电波通过该媒介从发射终端传输到接收终端。所谓的交流者指的是通过向麦克风说话提供声音信号,再由扩音器获得传送过来的信号。在实践中,发送器或接收终端将可能包含一个放大器。这就保证了即使即使声音信号很小. 也可以传送出可辨别的信号给扩音器.为了讨论的例子,说明他们的财产,我们必须引进一些额外的术语,并提出一些定义。首先,在我们将从电信系统的电波信号开始.
其实这段话讲的就是输入和输出. 大概意思是 麦克风是将声音信号转化成电波信号, 而扩音器是讲电波信号转为人类可识别的声音信号.而加入放大器的原因是有时候 获得的声音可能会比较小. 放大器可以放大获得的信号.. 通过处理之后, 我们就比较能够获得一些识别度高一点的信号. 这样就可以转化成质量较高的信号了...
在一个典型的系统发射机终端(我们一般叫发射终端)将包含一个输入传感器,它把空气中讲话压力波转化成电波信号。该输入传感器通常称为麦克风。同样地,扬声器可以看成是接收终端.输出传感器是将接收到的电波信号转换成声音。传输通路指的是一种媒介.电波通过该媒介从发射终端传输到接收终端。所谓的交流者指的是通过向麦克风说话提供声音信号,再由扩音器获得传送过来的信号。在实践中,发送器或接收终端将可能包含一个放大器。这就保证了即使即使声音信号很小. 也可以传送出可辨别的信号给扩音器.为了讨论的例子,说明他们的财产,我们必须引进一些额外的术语,并提出一些定义。首先,在我们将从电信系统的电波信号开始.
其实这段话讲的就是输入和输出. 大概意思是 麦克风是将声音信号转化成电波信号, 而扩音器是讲电波信号转为人类可识别的声音信号.而加入放大器的原因是有时候 获得的声音可能会比较小. 放大器可以放大获得的信号.. 通过处理之后, 我们就比较能够获得一些识别度高一点的信号. 这样就可以转化成质量较高的信号了...