翻译课文Do you take the Cyber Love for Serious?第三段英文翻译
Do you take the cyber love for serious? 你把网恋当真情了吗??
Some say the cyber love is as pretty as the fascinating dream in which we are unwilling to wake up; Some say cyber love is so virtual that it is impossible to win the lover’s heart… 有人说:网恋很美,美得如同绚丽多彩的梦让人不忍醒来; 也有人说:网恋太虚,虚得让你永远也抓不住网线那端爱人的心……
No matter young, old, single, married, talented or reckless, everyone may get involved in the cyber love. We can obtain the love which is difficult to find by merely a mouth, without investment of money or bearing too much burden or responsibility, you may also please yourself and others. 无论是年轻的,年老的,未婚的,已婚的,才华横溢的,鲁莽愚笨的等等等等,任何人都可以网恋,大家但凭一张嘴,就可以得到那朵世间难寻的爱情小花,一不用金钱投资,二不会有太多拖累与责任,三还能愉人愉已….
Is it worth devoting your true love for the virtual love? Do you take it for serious? 虚拟的网恋,是否值得你真心对待?你会把网恋当真吗?
What I want to say is why not? No matter in reality or on the internet, they’re actually the same. You may receive the true feelings only if you have given out your true heart.
Nowadays, we are living in a network age, most of us are busy working all day. But we contact with network almost any time, therefore, if you will come across the one you want to pay your true heart one day, and then why not deduce a romantic cyber love?
Here are two cases for you. 我这里有两个案例仅供大家参考。
One of my cousins met her Mr. Right on the internet at her age of 24, the man is from Nanjing, but she was in Qingdao. They fell in love gradually by communicating online. We have to say they are too far from each other, but confronting their earnest love, the distance between them is nothing. Along with all the relatives' blessings, they held their wedding last year and now living a very happy life. 我一个堂姐在她24岁的时候,在网上偶遇她现在的丈夫。一开始他们就有很多共同语言,很快坠入爱河。她丈夫是南京人,而她是青岛的,离得的确有点远,但这个距离在他们真挚的爱情面前又算得上什么呢?带着所有亲友的祝福,他们在去年举行了婚礼,现在也生活的很幸福。
Another one is an aunt of mine. Her husband was her pen pal at the beginning, and how to become pen pal? They knew each other from broadcasting. Both of them were crazy about literature, so there were so many common words. Continual correspondence for about 1 year, they known and loved each other deeply. And then they married, also is living
an enviable life. 再就是我一个姨,她丈夫一开始是她的笔友,他们是通过听广播认识的。两个人都非常热爱文学,共同语言很多。大约一年的书信往来让他们对彼此十分理解,也深深地爱上了对方。之后他们肯定也结婚了,而且现在过着羡煞旁人的幸福生活。
In a word, true love may be found everywhere as long as Cupid has shot an arrow for you! 因此,真爱不一定会在什么地方遇到,就看月老给你把线牵到哪了
The answer is different for separate person. 我想对不同的人来讲,这个问题的答案是不一样的。
Recall my college ages, a classmate of mine ever devoted all his energies to the cyber love. Even to must fly to shanghai to see his love from Beijing. It turned out that his love was never there. My classmate couldn’t connect with his love from then on. He became very lost later. So his taking the cyber love for serious gave him only being deceived. 记得当年我的大学时代,有一个同学曾经深陷于网恋不能自拔,发展到最后一定要从北京到上海去见网友,结果白跑了一趟,没见着。我的这位同学和他的网友也从此失去了联系,人也变得很消沉,经过好长一段时间才恢复正常。可见,认真的结果是被欺骗。
On the contrary, one of my classmate got true love through chatting on QQ, furthermore they have married to each other and now they are very affectionate. From this example, it is possible to get true love through cyber love. 但是我还有一位同学就是经过网恋得到了真爱,而且还结了婚,现在两人感情很好。从这个例子来看,认真对待网恋也有修成正果的可能。
In my opinion, everyone has the right to get involved in the cyber love, because it can please yourself and others after all. But we must keep an eye on the other side of the network to prevent cheating. Besides, we all shall enhance our moral. If you have married, you had better not fool others. 从我的观点来看,任何人都可以网恋,因为毕竟它能娱人娱己。但是要加强警惕,防止受骗。另外,要加强自身道德修养,如果是已婚人士,还是不要把对方搞得晕头转向为好。
Actually, the internet is a kind of virtual world, we can do most of things through internet. For instance, shopping, chat, game, work, and so on, many field used by internet. So, fall in love by the internet is very normal. 因特网实际是一个虚拟的世界,我们可以通过它做很多事情,比如,购物,聊天,游戏,工作,等等,很多领域都要用到它,所以网上恋爱是很平常的。
I think the cyber love is very good for us, yes, I quite agree with that. First of all, if you are very tired for love in real world, you can try the cyber love. Yes, as we know, the love in real world that we need always consider lots of things, and the love is very complex. So, let people feel so tired. But for the cyber love, we always feel easy to find the feeling or something like that which what we want. So most people prefer to choosing the cyber love when they are tired in the real world. 我觉得网恋不错,我很赞同。因为,如果我们在现实生活中爱的很累,那我门可以尝试网恋。我们都知道,现实中的恋爱要考虑很多事情,而且很复杂的,所以才让人们感到很累。但是,对于网恋,我门总是可以很轻松的找到我们想要的那种感觉或类似感觉的那种东西。 所以很多人更愿意去选择网恋。
Yes, the cyber love can easy let people to feel without any pressure, let them always feel relaxed. But this is virtual world, we can’t take that for serious, because we are in the real world, we should face and admit it. So, you can take the cyber to be a part of your life, but don’t take serious. 是的,网恋容易让人们没有压力,让人们感觉很轻松。但是这只是虚拟的世界,我们不能当真的,因为我们生活在现实世界的,我们要面对现实和接受现实。所以你可以把网恋当成你生活的一部分,但不能认真。
As a matter of fact, the internet is virtual, so, that exist some distance between us. So remember don’t take serious of that! 事实上,因特网是虚拟的,所以,因特网和我们之间还是有一定的距离。所以,记住不要把网恋当真。
Some say the cyber love is as pretty as the fascinating dream in which we are unwilling to wake up; Some say cyber love is so virtual that it is impossible to win the lover’s heart… 有人说:网恋很美,美得如同绚丽多彩的梦让人不忍醒来; 也有人说:网恋太虚,虚得让你永远也抓不住网线那端爱人的心……
No matter young, old, single, married, talented or reckless, everyone may get involved in the cyber love. We can obtain the love which is difficult to find by merely a mouth, without investment of money or bearing too much burden or responsibility, you may also please yourself and others. 无论是年轻的,年老的,未婚的,已婚的,才华横溢的,鲁莽愚笨的等等等等,任何人都可以网恋,大家但凭一张嘴,就可以得到那朵世间难寻的爱情小花,一不用金钱投资,二不会有太多拖累与责任,三还能愉人愉已….
Is it worth devoting your true love for the virtual love? Do you take it for serious? 虚拟的网恋,是否值得你真心对待?你会把网恋当真吗?
What I want to say is why not? No matter in reality or on the internet, they’re actually the same. You may receive the true feelings only if you have given out your true heart.
Nowadays, we are living in a network age, most of us are busy working all day. But we contact with network almost any time, therefore, if you will come across the one you want to pay your true heart one day, and then why not deduce a romantic cyber love?
Here are two cases for you. 我这里有两个案例仅供大家参考。
One of my cousins met her Mr. Right on the internet at her age of 24, the man is from Nanjing, but she was in Qingdao. They fell in love gradually by communicating online. We have to say they are too far from each other, but confronting their earnest love, the distance between them is nothing. Along with all the relatives' blessings, they held their wedding last year and now living a very happy life. 我一个堂姐在她24岁的时候,在网上偶遇她现在的丈夫。一开始他们就有很多共同语言,很快坠入爱河。她丈夫是南京人,而她是青岛的,离得的确有点远,但这个距离在他们真挚的爱情面前又算得上什么呢?带着所有亲友的祝福,他们在去年举行了婚礼,现在也生活的很幸福。
Another one is an aunt of mine. Her husband was her pen pal at the beginning, and how to become pen pal? They knew each other from broadcasting. Both of them were crazy about literature, so there were so many common words. Continual correspondence for about 1 year, they known and loved each other deeply. And then they married, also is living
an enviable life. 再就是我一个姨,她丈夫一开始是她的笔友,他们是通过听广播认识的。两个人都非常热爱文学,共同语言很多。大约一年的书信往来让他们对彼此十分理解,也深深地爱上了对方。之后他们肯定也结婚了,而且现在过着羡煞旁人的幸福生活。
In a word, true love may be found everywhere as long as Cupid has shot an arrow for you! 因此,真爱不一定会在什么地方遇到,就看月老给你把线牵到哪了
The answer is different for separate person. 我想对不同的人来讲,这个问题的答案是不一样的。
Recall my college ages, a classmate of mine ever devoted all his energies to the cyber love. Even to must fly to shanghai to see his love from Beijing. It turned out that his love was never there. My classmate couldn’t connect with his love from then on. He became very lost later. So his taking the cyber love for serious gave him only being deceived. 记得当年我的大学时代,有一个同学曾经深陷于网恋不能自拔,发展到最后一定要从北京到上海去见网友,结果白跑了一趟,没见着。我的这位同学和他的网友也从此失去了联系,人也变得很消沉,经过好长一段时间才恢复正常。可见,认真的结果是被欺骗。
On the contrary, one of my classmate got true love through chatting on QQ, furthermore they have married to each other and now they are very affectionate. From this example, it is possible to get true love through cyber love. 但是我还有一位同学就是经过网恋得到了真爱,而且还结了婚,现在两人感情很好。从这个例子来看,认真对待网恋也有修成正果的可能。
In my opinion, everyone has the right to get involved in the cyber love, because it can please yourself and others after all. But we must keep an eye on the other side of the network to prevent cheating. Besides, we all shall enhance our moral. If you have married, you had better not fool others. 从我的观点来看,任何人都可以网恋,因为毕竟它能娱人娱己。但是要加强警惕,防止受骗。另外,要加强自身道德修养,如果是已婚人士,还是不要把对方搞得晕头转向为好。
Actually, the internet is a kind of virtual world, we can do most of things through internet. For instance, shopping, chat, game, work, and so on, many field used by internet. So, fall in love by the internet is very normal. 因特网实际是一个虚拟的世界,我们可以通过它做很多事情,比如,购物,聊天,游戏,工作,等等,很多领域都要用到它,所以网上恋爱是很平常的。
I think the cyber love is very good for us, yes, I quite agree with that. First of all, if you are very tired for love in real world, you can try the cyber love. Yes, as we know, the love in real world that we need always consider lots of things, and the love is very complex. So, let people feel so tired. But for the cyber love, we always feel easy to find the feeling or something like that which what we want. So most people prefer to choosing the cyber love when they are tired in the real world. 我觉得网恋不错,我很赞同。因为,如果我们在现实生活中爱的很累,那我门可以尝试网恋。我们都知道,现实中的恋爱要考虑很多事情,而且很复杂的,所以才让人们感到很累。但是,对于网恋,我门总是可以很轻松的找到我们想要的那种感觉或类似感觉的那种东西。 所以很多人更愿意去选择网恋。
Yes, the cyber love can easy let people to feel without any pressure, let them always feel relaxed. But this is virtual world, we can’t take that for serious, because we are in the real world, we should face and admit it. So, you can take the cyber to be a part of your life, but don’t take serious. 是的,网恋容易让人们没有压力,让人们感觉很轻松。但是这只是虚拟的世界,我们不能当真的,因为我们生活在现实世界的,我们要面对现实和接受现实。所以你可以把网恋当成你生活的一部分,但不能认真。
As a matter of fact, the internet is virtual, so, that exist some distance between us. So remember don’t take serious of that! 事实上,因特网是虚拟的,所以,因特网和我们之间还是有一定的距离。所以,记住不要把网恋当真。