University of Oxford was established in thirteenth Century, one of the top ten universities in the world, to the beautiful university city is famous all over the world, the story of Alice in Wonderland. This is the background to the story in Oxford everywhere is the Gothic spire beautiful building, it is "the steeple of the city". University of Oxford is the first National University, cultivate many of the top outstanding persons. The school consists of 36 colleges, in addition to their different architectural features, each college is an independent teaching institution, providing students with academic and life guidance. The university has more than 30 colleges, each has its own characteristics. The University of Oxford course, either liberal arts or science, can get the honor bachelor degree or relevant degree, students pick their own by the instructor, after three years of study, obtained a bachelor's degree. In recent years, Oxford has two or more subjects together. Subjects, such as philosophy and mathematics, classical literature and modern literature, fully reflect the current academic field of multi angle, multi edge, and the trend and trend of resource sharing.
1.直译法:就是按照文字的字面意思直接翻译过来,例如汉语中的“纸老虎”直译成“paper tiger”,外国人看起来不但深明其义,而且觉得很是传神,所以现已成为正式的英美民族语言。另外,我们口中的“丢脸”也被直译为“lose face”,“走狗”译成为“running dog”.由于中国热而大为外国人欢迎的“功夫”音译成“kung fu”等也算是直译法的一种。
2.同义习语借用法:两种语言中有些同义习语无论在内容、形式和色彩上都有相符合,它们不但相同的意思或隐义,面且有相同的或极相似的形象或比喻。翻译时如果遇到这种情况不妨直载了当地互相借用。比方说汉语中有一句习语是“隔墙有耳“,英语中却有”walls have ears”,两句话字、义两合,无懈可击。我们说“火上加油”,英国人则说”to add fuel to the flame”,两者也完全一样。
3.意译法——有些习语无法直译,也无法找到同义的习语借用,则只好采用意译的方法来对待.例如汉语中的”落花流水”用来表示被打得大败之意,译成英文便是“to be shattered to pieces”。“乌烟瘴气“形容情形混乱不堪,可用“chaos”来表达。
4.省略法—汉语中有一种情况,就是习语中有的是对偶词不达意组,前后含意重复。偶到这种情况时可用省略法来处理,以免产生画蛇添足之感。例如“铜墙铁壁”可译成“wall of bronzl” 已经足够,实在无须说成”wall of copper and iron”.”街谈巷议“在意义上也是重复的,所以译成”street gossip”便可以了。
5.增添法—为了要更清楚地表达原意,有时要结合上下文的需要,在译文中增添一些说明。例如“树倒猢狲散”可译成“Once the tree falls,the monkeys on it will flee helter-skelter,”其中helter-skelter是“慌慌张张”之意,是增添的成分,原文虽无其字而有其义,加了使形象突出,有声有色。
6.还原法—一些习语源于外语,翻译时可使之还原。例如“夹着尾巴”应写成”with the tail between the legs”;”战争贩子”是英文”war-monger”的中译;”蓝图”则是”blue-print”等.