NMN(烟酰胺单核苷酸)是维生素B3的一种衍生物,存在于部分水果蔬菜和禽肉当中,是人体内自然存在的物质,美国W+NMN(端粒塔)实验显示W+NMN利用率大:W+NMN可以直接进入细胞,一种名为Slc12a8的转运蛋白在细胞能 量供应链条中扮演着重要角色,它会在唤醒因子的帮助下,将W+NMN直接运输到细胞中,用于NAD+的生产,以此达到延缓衰老的作用
质量认证遵循《NMN质量管理国际十大核心标准》符合《OULF》欧联法检测合格,美国原装进口,法国配方,美国W+NMN (端粒塔)12000(唤醒因子)加持。
W+NMN can enter the cell directly. A transporter protein called Slc12a8 plays an important role in the supply chain of cell energy. With the help of wake-up factors, it will transport W+NMN directly into the cell for NAD+ production, thereby delaying aging
质量认证遵循《NMN质量管理国际十大核心标准》符合《OULF》欧联法检测合格,美国原装进口,法国配方,美国W+NMN (端粒塔)12000(唤醒因子)加持。
W+NMN can enter the cell directly. A transporter protein called Slc12a8 plays an important role in the supply chain of cell energy. With the help of wake-up factors, it will transport W+NMN directly into the cell for NAD+ production, thereby delaying aging