韩国SM公司的问题 。 10
我是92年出生的 ,想去韩国SM公司试试 、不过我给韩国SM公司发过邮件了, 他们回信说会联系我参加面试的、我老感觉自己大了点了,要是过完年在面试的话 、我就19岁了 。他们收么 ? 我的郁闷呢我 。在他们收实习生最大年纪的是谁阿 ? 多大 ?
S.M. Entertainment
Thank you for sending us your pictures and video clips. We would like to offer you a chance to participate in one of our global auditions, but the dates of the audition have not been set yet. We will let you know when the audition schedule has been set. Thanks for your application again.
Audition Manager
这是他们回信你们看看什么意思。 展开
S.M. Entertainment
Thank you for sending us your pictures and video clips. We would like to offer you a chance to participate in one of our global auditions, but the dates of the audition have not been set yet. We will let you know when the audition schedule has been set. Thanks for your application again.
Audition Manager
这是他们回信你们看看什么意思。 展开