关于there be/have has...还有there has/have?
这里有一个店叫abc...你说的 here is a store called abc 正确.
在 there is a store called abc...这个句子中,你的理解有误,there is
要连在一起解释,这是there be 句型表达存在的概念,翻译成 有.如果
要使这个句子正确,我们只要在它的后面加一个 here .
There is a store called abc here.这里有一个店叫abc...
如果要说那儿有个店叫 abc ,那么就要用 over there 表示在那儿.
There is a store called abc over there.
其实 here is a store called abc 是句子顺序进行了调整把地点状语提前
A store called abc is here.
there has a store called there have .这两个句型是大错特错
的,因为表示存在的有 用 there be ,而 have / has 是表示所属关
There is a book on the desk .桌子上有一本书.( 不一定是你的)
I have a book on the desk.我有一本书在桌子上.
is here a store called abc 来强调这里是错的.要用
Is there a store called abc here 才对.
这里有苹果卖吗?因为这是问话,是对比讲的,它的翻译很灵活,不必拘泥于 用there be 结构.可以用
Do you have apples for sale here,6,应该是用there be句型。。不是指那里有什么,而是表示存在。,2,there/here be 都是可以的
不过你说的there have/has应该是there be句型的完成时态,应该是there has/have been...才对,1,只有there/here be
没有there/here have,1,there is a store called abc... here is a store called abc..?
皆可 但看语境 当前面提到过a store时 再说可用 here is the store
当别人问有没有时 用第一句
不能用there has a store called abc,1,there is 就是有的意思,没有那里的意思。
在这里there is 和 here is 都可以用。
there has or have 没有这样的用法。。。,1,关于there be/have has...还有there has/have
英文是:there is a store called abc...还是 here is a store called abc..因为我记得there是那里的意思,那应该是用here对吗?但有人说只可以用there be!另外,there has a store called abc 这个说法对吗?还用应该用there have?
突然有点搞不清楚这里有和那里有应该怎么说?到底是there be?还是there have?或者是here be?here has?
所以说...如果我要说这里和那里都可以用there be?there be不是表示那里的意思。是表示有的意思。那如果我用is here a store called abc 来强调这里也是可以?
那there has/have 一定是的错〉。我这样理解可以吗?那如果我想问:这里有苹果卖吗?怎麽问?
在 there is a store called abc...这个句子中,你的理解有误,there is
要连在一起解释,这是there be 句型表达存在的概念,翻译成 有.如果
要使这个句子正确,我们只要在它的后面加一个 here .
There is a store called abc here.这里有一个店叫abc...
如果要说那儿有个店叫 abc ,那么就要用 over there 表示在那儿.
There is a store called abc over there.
其实 here is a store called abc 是句子顺序进行了调整把地点状语提前
A store called abc is here.
there has a store called there have .这两个句型是大错特错
的,因为表示存在的有 用 there be ,而 have / has 是表示所属关
There is a book on the desk .桌子上有一本书.( 不一定是你的)
I have a book on the desk.我有一本书在桌子上.
is here a store called abc 来强调这里是错的.要用
Is there a store called abc here 才对.
这里有苹果卖吗?因为这是问话,是对比讲的,它的翻译很灵活,不必拘泥于 用there be 结构.可以用
Do you have apples for sale here,6,应该是用there be句型。。不是指那里有什么,而是表示存在。,2,there/here be 都是可以的
不过你说的there have/has应该是there be句型的完成时态,应该是there has/have been...才对,1,只有there/here be
没有there/here have,1,there is a store called abc... here is a store called abc..?
皆可 但看语境 当前面提到过a store时 再说可用 here is the store
当别人问有没有时 用第一句
不能用there has a store called abc,1,there is 就是有的意思,没有那里的意思。
在这里there is 和 here is 都可以用。
there has or have 没有这样的用法。。。,1,关于there be/have has...还有there has/have
英文是:there is a store called abc...还是 here is a store called abc..因为我记得there是那里的意思,那应该是用here对吗?但有人说只可以用there be!另外,there has a store called abc 这个说法对吗?还用应该用there have?
突然有点搞不清楚这里有和那里有应该怎么说?到底是there be?还是there have?或者是here be?here has?
所以说...如果我要说这里和那里都可以用there be?there be不是表示那里的意思。是表示有的意思。那如果我用is here a store called abc 来强调这里也是可以?
那there has/have 一定是的错〉。我这样理解可以吗?那如果我想问:这里有苹果卖吗?怎麽问?