怎么安装python 的扩展库-suds?
2022-12-11 · 百度认证:北京惠企网络技术有限公司官方账号
首先建议你安装一个扩展库安装工具,推荐easy_install工具,你可以在网上下载,也可以先去下载一个 ez_setup.py ,这个程序下载后用python.exe运行一下,会自动根据你的版本帮你下载和安装一个easy_install,目前只支持到python2.6,看来python3目前还是没有太多的公司在使用啊。。。
后面就可以用这个easy_install工具进行第三方库的下载了,比如我要下载soaplib这个库,可以执行easy_install soaplib,它会自己去相关网站查找这个库,以及这个库的依赖,如果你手工安装,那依赖会把你搞疯掉的
[python] view plain copy
The library is now ready to use. We start by importing the suds library, creating a client based on a SOAP url, and asking the library to print the SOAP web service methods that are available to us.
import suds
url = "http://www.ecubicle.net/iptocountry.asmx?wsdl"
client = suds.client.Client(url)
print client
From the output of the last print command, we learn that there is a method called FindCountryAsString that takes one argument: the IP address.
print client.service.FindCountryAsString("")
And it shows (edited for readability):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Normally you want to have the contents of the SOAP body. This is what suds provides in a very elegant way. However, you’re a bit stuck when you want to get something from the SOAP header. The author of suds realised this and made a backdoor to get the information anyway. We start by showing what the function last_received contains:
print client.last_received()
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ResponseHeader xmlns="">
We can get portions of this data by doing some XML handling. Let’s say we want to print the resultCode:
print client.last_received().getChild("soap:Envelope").getChild("soap:Header")
2023-06-12 广告