请帮忙翻译一下下面一段文字,句子通顺符合英语语法,非常感谢! 10

谢谢我们亲爱的主席叶子,也感谢对方辩友们精彩绝伦的辩论。从人自身来看,人不仅要实现自我价值,更重要的是实现社会价值。康德指出的那样:“人并不因为痛苦而获得处置自己生命的权... 谢谢我们亲爱的主席叶子,也感谢对方辩友们精彩绝伦的辩论。
赞成安乐死合法化,是因为那些自己选者要安乐死的人自己都觉得活著比死去更痛苦。我们暂且不说,医生的职责是否允许病人安乐死,因为这一点,我方一辩早已在立论中强调过了,从社会来看,安乐死的合法化,实际上是让社会赞成安乐死,让社会来帮助自损,帮助自杀,社会赋予人们安乐死的权利,是否告诉我们:“社会赋予我们自杀的权利。” 这样的社会是一个真正尊重人权,人道的社会吗?况且目前的司法水平也不足以保证安乐死合法化实现,因为目前的法律体系尚未足够严密,对各种权利的保护依然是存在诸多漏洞,在这情况下安乐死合法化就会让犯罪分子钻法律的空子,使许多非法杀人行为合法化。
Thanks our dear president the leaf, also thanks opposite party to debate the friends splendid peerless debate. looking from the human own, the human not only need realize the self-value, realizes the social value more importantly. Conde pointed out such: “the human does not obtain because of the pain handles oneself life the right.”Because of own pain, but finished the life is one kind of escape behavior radically easily, is one irresponsible behavior. The human has finally one dies, are we because will die finally, wears down the life, even lets the death arrive ahead of time? Ask that such survival has what significance? The Greek scholars according to said compared to fall Lu: Refuses stubbornly is dead's misfortune! But living misfortune! The euthanasia is not only one personal behavior, but it represents is one kind because of cannot the under cross, gives up oneself community responsibility and the voluntary escape phenomenon. How can we let the legalization? the approval euthanasia legalization, is because these electing wants the euthanasia person to think that lived the ratio to die is more painful. We temporarily not to mention, doctor's responsibility whether to permit the patient euthanasia, as soon as because of this point, we debated has already emphasized in the argument, looking from the society, the euthanasia legalization, in fact is lets the society approve the euthanasia, let the society help from to damage, helps the suicide, the society to entrust with the people the euthanasia the right, whether to tell us: “the society entrusts with the right which we commit suicide.” Such society is a true respect for human right, the humanity society? Moreover the present judicial level is also insufficient to guarantee that the euthanasia legalization realizes, is not yet strict enough because of the present legal framework, still has many cracks to each right's protection, the euthanasia legalization will let the criminal offender in this situation drill legal the opening, will cause many illegal murder behavior legalization.
Thanks our dear president the leaf, also thanks opposite party to debate the friends splendid peerless debate. looking from the human own, the human not only need realize the self-value, realizes the social value more importantly. Conde pointed out such: “the human does not obtain because of the pain handles oneself life the right.”Because of own pain, but finished the life is one kind of escape behavior radically easily, is one irresponsible behavior. The human has finally one dies, are we because will die finally, wears down the life, even lets the death arrive ahead of time? Ask that such survival has what significance? The Greek scholars according to said compared to fall Lu: Refuses stubbornly is dead's misfortune! But living misfortune! The euthanasia is not only one personal behavior, but it represents is one kind because of cannot the under cross, gives up oneself community responsibility and the voluntary escape phenomenon. How can we let the legalization? the approval euthanasia legalization, is because these electing wants the euthanasia person to think that lived the ratio to die is more painful. We temporarily not to mention, doctor's responsibility whether to permit the patient euthanasia, as soon as because of this point, we debated has already emphasized in the argument, looking from the society, the euthanasia legalization, in fact is lets the society approve the euthanasia, let the society help from to damage, helps the suicide, the society to entrust with the people the euthanasia the right, whether to tell us: “the society entrusts with the right which we commit suicide.” Such society is a true respect for human right, the humanity society? Moreover the
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2010-12-25 · TA获得超过360个赞
Thank you, our dear President leaves, also thanked the other debates faithful fantastic debate.From the person's own point of view, not only to achieve self-worth, more important is the realization of social values. Kant pointed out: "A man is not painful and is disposed of their right to life." Easily because of their pain and end of life is simply an escape act, it is an irresponsible act.One mortal, we are not because eventually death, to spend life, death and even come earlier? May I ask, so what is the significance of survival? Than in autumn by the Greek scholar Lu said: Unfortunately, the dead are not dead! It's unfortunate the living! Euthanasia is not just a personal act, it represents can be a pain because they can not bear to give up their social responsibilities and obligations of the escape phenomenon. How do we make of legalized?In favor of the legalization of euthanasia, because those who choose their own euthanasia themselves to feel alive more painful than death.We have no mention, the doctor's responsibility whether to allow euthanasia, because of that, our arguments in a debate already emphasized, from the social point of view, the legalization of euthanasia, in fact, so that the community in favor of euthanasia, so that the community to Help from the loss, to help suicide, euthanasia society gives people the right telling us: "Social rights given to us to commit suicide." such a society is a real respect for human rights and humane society?Moreover, the current levels sufficient to ensure justice to achieve the legalization of euthanasia, because the current legal system has not been sufficiently rigorous, and protection of rights still exist many loopholes in this case, the legalization of euthanasia would allow drilling criminal law loopholes, the legalization of many illegal killings.Integrated the above, should not be legalized euthanasia, we can not interfere in the choice of the right to life of people, but also did not help them to deprive themselves of life obligations.
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